HP’s Luxury Smartwatch; Compatible With Android And IOS



Hewlett-Packard (HP) is association with Gilt is working on a smartwatch, which will reportedly be compatible with Android and iOS. American designer Michael Bastian will take care of the design.

The watch will feature a circular, 44mm stainless steel case and swappable bands that will come in a range of colours – black rubber, brown leather, olive green and a limited edition black. The colours are interesting and they have to because there is fashion designer behind them.

The smart features include notification like email, text and calls, along with user controls for music and other apps. HP will also supply the software, meaning the watch may be platform-agnostic and not tied to Android Wear, for instance.

The watch is expected to be launched this fall. There are no details on its specs and pricing yet.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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