HRM Chapter wise Important Questions 2013 by Prof. Seema Sawant


Chapter 1. Introduction to Human Resource Management (HRM) :
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      HRM                            b) Personnel Manual             c) HRD

Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Personnel Manual                 c) Role of HR Manager
b)      HRM V/S PM                         d) Features of workforce
Ø Questions :   10 Marks
1.      Define “Human Resource Management”. What is the importance of HRM in the present global scenario?
2.      Define “HRM”. What are the challenges faced by the HR Manager in organisation.
3.       Define “HRM”. Explain the functions and the future scope of HRM.
4.      Define ‘Personnel Management” and state the difference between  HRM & PM.


Chapter 2. Human Resource Planning- I :-

Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Process of HRP                                   c) Manpower forecasting
b)     Human Resource Inventory
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Advantages of HRP
b)     Features of HRP

Ø Questions :   10 Marks
1.      Define “HRP” and Explain the process of “HRP”.
2.      Define “HRP” & Explain the steps involved in the process of “HRP”.
3.      Explain the process of HRP with a diagram.
4.      Explain the advantages/ Importance & Limitations of Human Resource Planning.


Chapter 3 :  Human Resource Planning II :-
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      HRIS                                              f) Downsizing
b)     Pink Slip                                       g) Termination
c)      Outsourcing                                 h) Separation
d)     VRS                                               i) Layoff
e)      Retrenchment
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      HRIS                      b) Outsourcing                       c) Retrenchment
c)      Pink Slip               e) Types of Transfers             f) Contracting & Sub contracting
Ø Questions :   10 Marks
1.      What is Human Resource Information System? Explain its uses.
2.      Explain the Principles of sound transfer policy.


Chapter 4 :  Job Analysis, Job Design & Job Evaluation:
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Job Description                            b) Job enrichment
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Job Analysis                                  d) Job rotation
b)     Job Design                                                e) Job Enrichment
c)      Job Evaluation
Ø Questions :   10 Marks
1.      Explain ‘Job Analysis” List & explain its merits and demerits.
2.      Explain the importance of Job Analysis.
3.      What is job design? Explain the factors affecting job design.
4.      Explain different approaches to job design.
5.      What is job evaluation? Explain the process of job evaluation.


Chapter 5 :  Recruitment, Selection & Induction :
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Recruitment                                             d) Socialisation
b)     Selection                                                  e) Application Blank
c)      Induction/ Orientation                           f) Selection tests
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Types of Interview                                   d) Recruitment V/S Selection
b)     Sources of Recruitment                          e) Selection Process
c)      Induction Process
Ø Questions :   10 Marks
1.      What do you mean by recruitment? Explain the internal sources of recruitment.
2.      You, as a HR manager of a large Retail Organisation have been asked to select five marketing executives (fresher’s) for your showroom. List down the steps you would follow in selecting these executives.
3.      The Production Department of your company has supplied a requisition for four Production Executives. Suggest the steps you will follow in selecting these executives.
4.      State & Explain the types of Interviews.
5.      Define placement & explain the importance of proper placement.
6.      Explain the types of psychological tests used in the selection process.


Chapter 6 :  Training & Development:
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Employee training & development
b)     Role Playing/ Role Play
c)      Evaluation of training programme
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Advantages of training & development
b)     Methods of training managers
Ø Questions :   10 Marks
1.      What is training? What are the methods of training to employees?
2.      You are an HR manager of Pet Airways, You are supposed to design a training programme for ground staff . What principles and on the job training methods you would use in designing the programme.
3.      Explain how to evaluate effectiveness of training programmes.
4.      “Training like any other HR function, should be evaluated to determine its effectiveness” Explain.
5.      Explain the term “Training & Development  & bring out the importance of training & development.
6.      What is the difference between training & management development? Explain its importance in organisation.
7.      Explain the benefits of training & development to employees/ organizations.


Chapter 7 :  Performance  Appraisal:
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Performance Appraisal
b)     MBO
c)      Ranking method of Appraisal
d)     BARS
e)      360 Degree Appraisal
f)       Assessment Centre
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Assessment Centre
b)     360 Degree Appraisal
c)      Advantages of Performance Appraisal
Questions :   10 Marks
1.      Explain the process of performance appraisal with steps involved.
2.      Explain the advantages of Performance appraisal.
3.      State the modern methods of appraisal for managers and explain any two of them.
4.      “Performance appraisal is not merely for appraisal but is for improvement of employee Performance” Explain the statement.
5.      “ Regular feedback improves the performance of employees” Explain the importance of performance appraisal.


Chapter 8 :  Compensation Management:
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Fringe benefits
b)     Performance linked incentives
c)      Compensation Management
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Employee Compensation Package
b)     Fringe benefits
c)      Advantages of Performance linked incentives
d)     Feature of good incentive package
Questions :   10 Marks
1.      You as HR manager of the company, has been asked to draw a promising incentive plan for the employees in the production department . State the features that you will like to incorporate in such incentive plan.


Chapter 9 : Career Planning & Development :
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Succession Planning                                c) Career Planning
b)     Mentoring                                                            d) Career Counselling
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Employee retention techniques
b)     Succession Planning
c)      Essentials to make career planning successful
Questions :   10 Marks
1.      Define Career planning? Explain the different stages of career planning.
2.      What are the different career stages? How do the organizations plan for the career of employees based on the career stages?
3.      Explain how organizations can help an individual employee to manage his/her career.
4.      Explain the different stages involved in career planning & development.
5.      “Career planning & development is a motivational tool for employees” elaborate with suitable examples.
6.      What are the benefits of career planning & development to employer & employees.
7.      Explain the various stages in career life cycle.

8.      Explain briefly the employee retention techniques.


Chapter 10 : Participative Management:

Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Participative Management
b)     Empowered teams
c)      Job enrichment
d)     Quality circles
e)      Suggestion scheme
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Participative Management
b)     Empowered teams
a)      Method’s of worker’s participation in Mngt.
b)     Essentials of participative management
c)      Types of participative management
d)     Suggestion scheme

Ø Questions :   10 Marks
1.      State the forms of participation.
2.      “Participative Management results in improved performance”. Explain.


Chapter 11 :Industrial Relations:
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Industrial relations
b)     Parties to Industrial relations
c)      Industrial peace
d)     Industrial unrest
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Industrial relations
b)     Features of Industrial relations
c)      Parties to Industrial relations
Questions :   10 Marks
1.      Define and Explain the features/Importance of Industrial relations.
2.      As an HR manager, you propose to use V.V.Giri’s approach to cordial industrial relations in your organisation. Explain how you propose o move ahead.


Chapter 12 :Trade Unions:
Ø Concepts:    03 Marks
a)      Trade Union
Ø Short Notes :   05 Marks
a)      Trade Union
b)     Weakness of Indian Trade Union
c)      Reasons for employees joining union
Questions :   10 Marks
1.      Explain Trade union & State its features.
2.      Explain the weaknesses of Indian Trade Union & suggest measures to remove them.
3.      State & explain the challenges before Indian Trade Union.
4.     “Multiplicity of trade union has proved harmful to healthy growth of Indian Trade Unionism” Explain the statement.



Note : In case of Case Study, it will come from any unit. It may come from overall HRM, Industrial relations, trade union etc… Generally, it comes from Recruitment, Selection, Performance appraisal, Participative mngt., Career development, Training & Development.


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Seema Sawant

Prof. Seema Prabhakar Sawant has 18 years experience in Corporate Sector and then she joined teaching profession in 2004. She was ex-BMS Coordinator of Shri. Chinai College of Commerce and Economics and currently a full-time faculty at Valia College. She teaches HRM, IMTP, Service Sector Mngt., Special Study in Marketing, International Marketing, Production Mngt. & Materials Mngt. Productivity & Quality Mngt., EXIM, Marketing Mngt. Strategic Mngt., Bus. Aspects in Banking & Insurance, Management Accounting, Business Communication, Industrial Law POM, Financial Accounting in BMS & even HRM & Marketing in Banking in BBI, Global Capital Markets in BFM, Financial Accounting- II for BAF etc..


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