HRM Important Questions 1 Day Before The Exam (ONLY For Revision Purpose)


Dear BMSites,

Hope your exam preparation are going on full swing and you are confident to appear for tomorrow’s exams.

This year, the paper pattern has changed to 75-25 marks which is the reason, majority of the students are confused of how and what to write / attempt the theory papers.

Don’t worry, here is the revised paper pattern which you shouldn’t miss to check :

Revised TYBMS Sem 5 Paper Pattern for November 2014 (75 Marks) Exams

From this year, no concept questions would be asked and all the long answers would be for 7.5 marks from Q. 1 to Q. 4 and the last question no. 5 would be a case study for 15 marks.

Students are requested to go through all the Units and prepare for the questions which are asked by Mumbai University in the last 6-8 years.

BMS Team has made every effort to collect important exam resources from various sources and you should definitely check at

We are listing the below questions / topics only for revision purpose and BMS team is not liable / responsible if the questions may or may not come in the 2014 University exams.

1) HRM – Functions, Importance and Challenges

2) PM vs HRM

3) HR Planning – Steps, Advantages and Features

4) Job Evaluation – Methods, Uses

5) Recruitment – Methods, Process

6) Performance Appraisal – Methods, Advantages

7) Participative Management – Methods and Objectives


Don’t miss to read:


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