HRM In Service Sector Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


HRM In Service Sector Management – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules  No. of Lectures
 1  Service Sector Management- An Overview  15
 2  Managing Human Element in Service Sector  15
 3  Issues and Challenges of HR in Service Sector  15
 4  HRP Evaluation, Attrition, Retention & Globalization  15
 Total  60

HRM In Service Sector Management – Syllabus Overview

SN Modules/ Units
 1  Service Sector Management- An Overview
a) Service Sector Management- An Overview:

• Services – Meaning, Features, Classification of Services: End User, Degree of Tangibility, People Based Services, Expertise Required, Orientation Towards Profit, By Location
• Service Sector Management – Meaning, Significance of Service Sector, Reasons for Growth in Service Sector
• Service Organization – Importance of Layout and Design of Service Organization, Servicescape
• Service Culture in Organization – Meaning, Developing Service Culture in Organization
• Relationship Marketing – Meaning, Need and Importance in Service Sector Organizations, Six Market Model
• Role of Service Employee
• Role of Customers in Service Process– Customers as Productive Resources, Customers as Contributors to Service Quality, Customers as Competitors
• Service Encounter and Moment of Truth –Meaning, Nature, Elements of Service Encounter

 2  Managing Human Element in Service Sector
a) Managing Human Element in Service Sector:

• Human Element in Service Sector – Introduction, Role and Significance
• The Services Triangle
• Front Line Employees /Boundary Spanners– Meaning, Issues Faced by Front Line Employees: Person/ Role Conflicts, Organization/ Client Conflict, Interclient Conflict
• Emotional Labour – Meaning, Strategies for Managing Emotional Labour
• Recruitment in Service Sector– Recruiting Right People, Recruitment Procedures and Criteria, Challenges in Recruitment in Service Sector
• Selection of Employees in Service Sector – Interviewing Techniques: Abstract Questioning, Situational Vignette, Role Playing
• Develop People to Deliver Service Quality
• Compensating Employees in Service Sector
• Motivating Employees for Services
• Empowerment of Service Workers – Meaning, Advantages and Limitations

 3  Issues and Challenges of HR in Service Sector
a) Issues and Challenges of HR in Service Sector:

• Quality Issues in Services: Meaning and Dimensions of Service Quality, The Service – Gap Model, Reasons and Strategies to fill the Gaps
• Delivering Services through Agents and Brokers – Meaning, Advantages, Challenges, Strategies for Effective Service Delivery through Agents and Brokers
• HRM in Public Sector Organizations and Non – Profit Sector in India
• Issues and Challenges of HR in Specific Services:

# Business and Professional Services: Banking and Insurance, Legal, Accountancy
# Infrastructure: Roads, Railways, Power
# Public Services: Police, Defense, Disaster Management
# Trade Services: Wholesale and Retail, Advertising, Maintenance and Repairs
# Personnel Services: Education, Health Care, Hotels

• Social and Charitable Services

 4  HRP Evaluation, Attrition, Retention & Globalization
a) HRP Evaluation, Attrition, Retention & Globalization:

• Human Resource Planning Evaluation in Service Sector – Meaning, HRP Evaluation Process, Purpose of HRP Evaluation in Service Sector, Issues Influencing HRP Evaluation in Service Sector
• Service Leadership – Meaning, Integrating Marketing Operation and Human Resources, Creating a Leading Service Organization, The Service – Profit Chain Model
• Attrition in Service Sector –Meaning, Reasons for Attrition in Service Sector, Cycle of Failure, Cycle of Mediocrity and Cycle of Success
• Retaining the Best People in Service Sector – Including Employees in Company’s Vision, Treat Employees as Customers, Measure and Reward String Service Performers
• Globalization of Services- Meaning, Reasons for Globalization of Services, Impact of Globalization on Indian Service Sector. Organisational Effectiveness, Ways to Enhance Organisational Effectiveness.

Reference books for subject: HRM In Service Sector Management

HRM In Service Sector Management : ~ 
1. C. Bhattacharjee: Service Sector Management, An Indian Perspective, Jaico Publishing House
2. Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, Jayanta Chatterjee: Services Marketing, Pearson
3. Christopher Lovelock: Services Marketing, People, Technology, Strategy, Pearson Education Asia
4. James A. Fitzsimmons, Mona J, Fitzsimmons: Service Management , Operations, Strategy,Information Technology, Tata McGraw – Hill
5. Zeithmal, Bitner, Gremler, Pandit: Services Marketing, Tata McGraw – Hill
6. Lovelock, Wirtz: Services Marketing, Pearson Education, 5th Edition
7. K. Rao: Services Marketing, Pearson Education
8. Ramneek Kapoor, Justin Paul, Biplab Halder: Services Marketing


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