HRM List of Important Questions 2012


University Questions

 By Quest Tutorials

Concept Questions

Job Analysis


360° Appraisal

Profit Sharing

Job Design

Job Rotation


Fair Wages

Quality Circles



Wages and Salaries

Personnel manual

Application Blank

Personnel Policies




Assessment Centre





Career Planning

Fringe benefits

Industrial Relation

External forces influencing Human Resources management

Personnel Planning

Employees Empowerment


Succession Planning

Empowered Teams



Job Enrichment

Job description


Short Notes

Fringe Benefits

Sources of Recruitment


Participative Management

Role of HR manager

Job Evaluation


Seniority Vs Merit

Challenges & opportunities of HRM In India

Personnel officer Vs Personnel manager

Principles of Training

Career stages

Objectives of HRP

Career Planning

Job Description

Employee Training

Promotion objectives

Characteristics of today’s workforce

Labour turnover


Application bank

Organisation downsizing

Job Enlargement


Trade Unions

Features of IR

360° Appraisal

Suggestion Schemes

Employee Compensation Package

Types of Participative Management

Industrial Relation

Long length Questions (10 Marks)

How do plan for their Human Resources?

Selection Procedure

Define HRM, its functions, objectives

Induction Process & methods of induction

Techniques of performance appraisal

Explain the stages in Career Planning

What are HRP and its process?

Assessment Centers

Explain HRM in India and the factors contributed to change HRM in India

HRM Vs Personnel management

What are the sources and techniques of manpower supply?

Sources of information for Job analysis

External sources of recruitment with its merits & demerits

What is induction, its objectives and steps in induction?

Performance Appraisal

Nature and scope of personnel management/HRM

Steps reduce labour turnover

Define the term “Job Evaluation” Explain the process of Job evaluation

“Participative management results in improved performance.”Explain

What is HRM? What are its objectives?

As an HR manager of Hinduja Hospital design a training programme for hospital staff.

Explain the characteristics of today’s work force.

You have recruited few marketing executives recently; describe the induction procedure and methods for the same.

Failure in planning and developing HR could be a limiting factor in attaining organisational goal’-Explain the statement in reference to the objectives and importance of HR planning.

Regular feedback improves the performance of employees.’ Explain the importance and latest techniques of performance appraisal in brief.

Define HRM. What are the modern day challenges faced by today’s HR manager?

What are the different career stages? How do the organistions plan for the career of employees based on the career stages

You as HR manager of a large Retail Organisation have been asked to select five marketing executives (freshers) for your showroom. List down steps you would follow in selecting these executives.

What is the difference between Training & Management Development? Explain its importance in organizations.

Career planning & development is a motivational tool for employees. Elaborate with suitable examples.

You are an HR manager of Pet Airways. You are supposed to design a training programme for ground staff. What principles and on the job training methods you would use in designing the programme.

Short Questions(5 Marks)

Career Planning

Induction Programme

Training and its importance

Training procedure

Methods of training

Screening Tests with examples

Management Development & its methods

How to evaluate the training programme?

Importance of performance appraisal

Explain any one technique of performance appraisal at managerial level.

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