HSC Results to declare in end of May. Are you ready to take BMS?


The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) results will be declared by the end of May.

Last year, the results were announced on May 25.

The assessment of papers was lagging behind by more than 20 days, as nearly 55,000 college teachers had boycotted the evaluation of answersheets from February 21 to March 13.

The education department said that it was necessary to announce the results according to the schedule so that students could apply for higher education to different universities in India and abroad.


“During admissions to medical and engineering colleges, the HSC scores are considered. The students are denied admission if they do not have the original marksheets,” said Shikhar Tajane, who took the exam from the science stream in February.



Source: HT



The education department said that it was necessary to announce the results according to the schedule so that students could apply for higher education to different universities in India and abroad.


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