Human Resource Management Question Bank


The following are the questions which have appeared in the past University question papers (Nov 01-09). I have picked up the main topics and listed the questions which have occurred many times in different ways.

Question 3

1) HRM
2) Job Analysis
3) 360 degree appraisal
4) Profit sharing
5) Job design
6) Job rotation
8) Fair wages
9) Quality Circles
10) VRS
11) Induction
12) Wages and salaries
13) Personnel manual / personnel policies
14) Application Blank
15) Incentives
16) ESOPs
17) Placement
18) Assessment centres
19) Downsizing
20) Commission
21) Selection
22) Transfer
23) Career planning
24) Industrial Relations
25) External forces influencing HRM
26) Fringe benefits
27) Personnel planning
28) Employee empowerment
29) Difference b/w HRM and PM
30) Moonlighting
31) Coaching
32) Balance Score Card and HRM
33) BARS
34) Maintenance Stage

Characteristics of workforce-
1) Explain the characteristics of today’s workforce (Nov 08) [10mks]
2) SN on Characteristics of today’s workforce(5 mks) [Nov 07]

Personnel Function-
1) Describe the nature and scope of Personnel function in an organization.What are the indicators of its working in an organization? (10 mks) [Nov 06]
2) “Human resource management is an advancement over traditional personnel management” – If so, explain its significance in the organizational set-up. (10mks) [Nov 03]

1) You have recruited few marketing executives recently, describe the induction procedure and methods for the same. (10mks) [ Nov 08, 02]
2) SN on Induction (5mks) [Nov 07]
3) What is the meaning of Induction? What are the objectives of Induction? What are the steps in Induction programme? (10mks) [Nov06]
4) How do organisations conduct orientation programmes for newly selected employees? (5mks) [Nov 01]

HR Planning-
1) ‘Failure in planning and developing HR could be a limiting factor in attaining organizational goal’ – Explain the statement in reference to the objectives and importance of HR planning. (10mks) [Nov 08]
2) Objectives of HR Planning. (5mks) [Nov 05]
3) Define HRP. Explain the process of HRP with the help of a diagram. (10mks) [ Nov 04]
4) What are the major sources of manpower supply? Highlight any six techniques used to tap the manpower resources (10mks) [Nov 03]
5) How can organizations plan for human resources in an effective manner? (10mks) [Nov 01]
6) SN on HRP (5 mks) [Nov01]
7) As a head of the HR Department in a large organization, what HRD strategies would you suggest for long term planning and growth? (10mks)

Performance Appraisal-
1) ‘Regular feedback improves the performance of employees’. Explain the importance and latest techniques of performance appraisal in brief. (10 mks)[Nov 08]
2) Describe in detail performance appraisal (10 mks)[Nov 06]
3) Discuss any one -performance appraisal technique used at the managerial level. (5 mks) [Nov 05]
4) What are some of the commonly used techniques of performance appraisal system? Write about their merits and demerits. (5 mks) [Nov 03]
5) ‘Tell me what you expect from me,
Give me an opportunity to perform,
Let me know how well I am getting on,
Give me guidance when I need and
Reward me accordingly to my contribution.’ – John Humble
Critically examine the above statement as to what extent and how modern methods of performance appraisal meet these expectations of the employees. (10 mks) [Nov 02]

SN on Organisation downsizing (5mks) [Nov 08]

Participative Management-
1) SN on Participative Management (5mks) [Nov 01, 04, 06, 08]
2) Participative Management results in improved performance.-Explain (10mks) [Nov07]
3) SN on Latest trends in employee participative management. (5mks) [Nov 03]

Job Evaluation-
1) SN on Job evaluation (5mks) [Nov 02,04,08]
2) Define the term “Job evaluation”. Explain the process of Job evaluation (10mks)[Nov 07]
3) SN on Job description (Nov 06)(5mks)
4) SN on Objectives of Job evaluation (5mks) [Nov 03]
5) State Bank of India has lost a lot of customers in the last few years to multinational banks that adopt a modern operational style preferred by customers. As part of an organizational revamp, State Bank of India authorities have decided to study all existing jobs and redesign the work content, if necessary. Describe any three techniques that State Bank of India can use to collect information for analyzing jobs. (10 mks) [Nov 05]

Career Stages-
1) SN on Career Stages (5mks) [Nov 05, 08]
2) Explain how organizations can help an individual employee manage his/her career (10mks) [Nov 01]
3) What are the life and career stages? How do the organizations plan for the career of employees based on the career stages? (10mks) [Nov 02]

1) What is HRM? What are its objectives? (10mks) [Nov 07]
2) Define HRM. Explain its functions and objectives. (10mks) [Nov 02]

Training –
1) As an HR Manager of Hinduja Hospital, design a training programme for hospital staff. (10mks) [ Nov 07]
2) SN on Employee training (5mks) [Nov 06]
3) SN on Principles of Training [Nov 05] (5mks)
4) How does one evaluate a training programme? (5mks) [Nov 04]
5) What is training? How would you conduct a training programme? (5mks) [Nov 03]
6) Suggest some of the on-the-job training and off-the-job training methods of training and their features. (5mks) [Nov 03]
7) What is training? What are its importance? Explain the training process in brief (10mks) [Nov 01]

1) SN on promotion objectives (10mks) [2007]
2) SN on promotions (5mks)[Nov 01]
3) SN on Labour turnover (5mks) [Nov 07]
4) Labour turnover of XYZ Ltd Co has increased by 10% this year. As an HR Manager, what steps will you take to reduce labour turnover? (10mks) [Nov 06]
5) SN on Application Blank (Nov07) (5mks)

Career planning –
1) SN on Career planning (5mks) [Nov06]
2) Explain the various stages in career planning and growth (5mks) [Nov 03, 05]

SN on fringe benefits (Nov01, 06)

Challenges of HRM-
1) What is the current status of HRM in India? What factors have contributed to a change in HRM? (10mks) [Nov05, 04]

1) A leading sales agency for Airtel has been experiencing a problem of high employee turnover. An immediate concern for them is the appointment of a team leader for one of their teams in Mumbai. They have failed to find an existing employee of the company who can take up this post. Suggest any five external recruitment sources with their merits and demerits (10mks) [Nov 05, 01, 04]

Assessment centres are more accurate than supervisionary judgement in predicting the potentiality. Explain the statement with emphasis on the aims and process of assessment centres. (10mks) [Nov04]

Explain with examples any 2 tests which are usually employed for screening prospective candidates. (5mks) [Nov 04]

Define management development. Explain any 5 methods of Management Development Programmes. (5mks) [Nov 04]

SN on personnel officer v/s personnel manager. (5mks) [Nov 04]

SN on Job rotation and transfer (5mks) [Nov03]

SN on role of personnel manager as a specialist (5mks) [Nov 02]

SN on Seniority v/s Merit (5mks) [Nov 02]

1) A highly successful manufacturer of confectionary needs to select a team of sales executives for their new brand of chocolates. The Human Resource Manager and the Sales Manager are working together to select a team of 5 sales executives from amongst the 65 BMS graduates who have applied. Explain the selection procedure which they are required to follow. (10mks) [Nov 01]


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