Human Resource Management Question Bank 2013 – Shreya Classes


Explain Following Concept:

1)       Human Resource Planning

2)        Job Analysis / JD / JS

3)        Job Enlargement  / Job Enrichment

4)        On the job / Off the job training

5)        360 degree Performance Appraisal

6)         Different Between Recruitment and Selection

7)         Methods of Recruitment

8)         Any two types of Interviews

9)          VRS

10)Pink Slip

11)Components of Wages & Salary

12)Incentives- Individual & Group


14)Induction and Orientation

15)Performance Manual (PMS)

16)Significance of Industrial Relations

17)Role of PM / IR / HR Manger in Todays Globalized world

Set 2

Explain Following Concept:

1)    Explain Importance of HRP. What are the different stages of HRP?

2)    Explain JA / JD / JS in detail. What is Job Evaluation? Explain any   one method for JA / JE with an Example

3)    What are the advantages of Training? Explain the process of  imparting Training programme

4)    What is the importance of Executive Development? Explain any two methods of Executive Development

5)   What are the characteristics of Sound Compensation Policy?

6)   Explain the process of Induction & Orientation. What are the benefits of  Induction & Orientation

7)   What is Transfer? What are the different types of Transfers?

8)   What is Promotion? Explain Types of promotions

9)   Comment on prevailing IR in India


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