I love Mumbai Mirror


Mumbai Mirror

Hey friends! You would find it strange why I am talking about MM today. But the things I noticed in the past few days made me write on Mumbai Mirror. Mumbai Mirror is one of the supplements issued with THE TIMES OF INDIA. I usually take out MM first and start reading its headlines every morning. I hope everyone does the same thing. If not, then don’t worry by reading this, you will surely start doing it the next morning because I will tell you some important and interesting facts about “MY MUMBAI MIRROR”.

Mumbai Mirror consists of fifty to fifty-five pages and it’s for the children, youngsters, middle-aged men and even for the old people. For youngsters, it is useful because there is a “Classifieds” section which helps in finding various job vacancies available in different places for different fields and posts. Most of the women like to discuss about films, gossips and who’s with whom and latest films arriving at theatres. Boys like to get up-to-date knowledge about sports like SOCCER WORLD CUP, IPL CRICKET MATCH, WORLD CUP CRICKET TOURNAMENT, ONE DAY TEST MATCHES, and OLYMPICS MATCH and so on.

Children love MM as they learn and have fun with the 2nd last page games, Sudoku, jokes, comics and so on. Also, it helps them solve mathematical problems that consist in Chai-time which increases their knowledge and abilities. Then there is kid-zone wherein you can showcase your talents and creativity. “Sci-Tech” is something different for all students (Children) that could inform them about new inventions in technology and scientific researches that are across the country.

LISTING is a perfect page of Mumbai Mirror to find out which films and soaps are going on in which channels along with the time. For daily soap watchers, whether it is Baalika Vadhu or it is Taarak Mehta ka Oolta Chasma or if you are an ardent and crazy lover of films, you would get everything in MM. You could also see the ratings of the films going on in theatres. Public opinions, critic opinions and different discussions all become a part of MM.

If it’s your passion to go out for a party and enjoy, but you don’t know in which club the party is on! Then “Variety” gives information regarding parties, musical shows, dancing shows and workshop. You could join workshops according to your interest and hobbies.

If you want to know about your day then “Sitaaron ke saath” will tell you about your day, business, money and personal matters according to zodiac sign. You want any health tips then “YOU” is the better option to guide about your health like Balance diet, Mental illness like stress, tension and if you want to ask any queries to sexperts then they will help in that situation.

This is all the news that Mumbai Mirror covers. But wait a minute! Mumbai Mirror is not only for entertainment but also a newspaper. So it includes latest news in city, nation and world. We could see latest news like “Deep throat in city”, “Raj Bhavan will launch of riveting table book on Wildlife” which is with colorful pictures of wild animals in a city news line. Nation’s line consists of the news like “Queen’s memorial waits as Jaipur Royal Family fights over her legacy”.

Such hottest and latest news within the city, nation and worldwide helps you to know about surroundings and keeps you updated. These are just a few sections which I liked, but there are many to cover as MM provides wide and vast variety of information according to people’s interests. That’s the reason I love MM. So go through it! Enjoy your start or end of the day with Mumbai Mirror!!

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Indira L


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