I, Me and My Selfie Obsession!



I, Me and My Selfie!  The word ‘SELFIE’ was announced as “word of the year” in 2013. Selfie love is outraging most of us today. Snapping a picture of yourself, largely for narcissistic purposes in which the photographer is also the subject of the photograph.  It seems that some people simply can’t stop turning the camera their way for that perfect social media photo. It’s changed the way we present our world to the world.

From the Oscars to the Vatican and even recently from the surface of the mars, the selfie craze isn’t going anywhere. Selfies have become a cultural phenomenon with celebrities, sports personalities; civilians and even the president are driving the trend. It is hard not to get swept up in the selfie craze. It is fun, easy and with one click your picture is posted for all to see. Everyone does it, including me, my very own happening nephew, the Oscar Stars and even Obama, it has become very trendy, whether it will stay or fizzle out soon, who knows?

Honestly the very nature of social media is mostly self-focused, with profile pictures, our personal descriptions, interests, status updates and pretty much whatever we feel like revealing to others – so it should not really come as a surprise that ‘Selfies’ have become so popular and obsessive.  However, it is turning out to be an addiction. As said, Self love is the elixir of an immortal heart, Selfie love has become the elixir of an immortal living.

Individuals try to take that perfect snap of oneself, even 50 times unless they get a one they can post on Instagram—in full makeup—with a hashtag  #selfie or #selfiezoned or whatever–have gotten hundreds of likes. It can be a hit for you or you can get a little high from it. If you want to feel appreciated or just feel good after a shitty day, or randomly you want to post something while you are going through your news feed or just like that…post a selfie and this is how it would go. Unfortunately, we have started valuing ourselves by the number of likes we get and weirdly enough, the Selfie encourages us to look outside for the respect and self-assurance we yearn for the true selfie inside.

– Tanvi Shah

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