I.T. Events of Innovators 2014



There ain’t no party like KAN party


HOD: Akshata- 09773775747




Raftar ka junoon


Blur the current moment into one unholy smear in the world addicted to speed!


  • All rounds will be on knock out basis.
  • General rules and regulations apply.
  • Distinctive rules will be explained on the day of event.



Day:  4th February, 2014

Venue:  Computer lab

Time:  11.00 am

Entry fees:  Rs50





  • All rounds will be on knock out basis.
  • General rules and regulations apply.
  • Distinctive rules will be explained on the day of event.


Day:  4th February, 2014

Venue:  4th floor

Time:  11.00 am

Entry fees:  Rs50


Viparit hamla

(Counter Strike)

It is far more important to be able to hit the target than it is tohaggle over who makes a weapon or who pulls the trigger!


  • 4 people per team.
  • General rules and regulations apply.
  • Distinctive rules will be explained on the day of event.


Day:  4th February, 2014

Venue:  4th floor

Time:  11.00 am

Entry fees:  Rs350

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