I walk in rain to hide my pain


I wait for the showers

I wait for 1st rain

It would splash my face

And wash the pain

I wait for the moments

To arrive again

I know it won’t come back

And all hopes are vain

I cherish those moments

Those memories are bright

What remains now,

Is just those bitter fights

I miss you

More than you do…

I doubt you would ever

Love me the way I do

Last year rains

Cute memories were gained

I hope this

It would relieve the pain…

I walk in the sun

My feet burn

I suddenly realized

That you won’t turn

Friends we were

Friends we are

Even if we broke up

You are still my star

You are special to me

And shall always remain

I’ll wait for the rain

To hide my pain

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Well I am a fun loving girl. I like making friends, in free time I like writing poems.,Talking to people. And playing online games. . well also I am very ambitious in life. To me my career is my priority. I always believe everyone has should have at least one reason to live, reason to survive,…to me that is my career


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