I Will Make My Dreams…Come True!



Imaginations don’t have any limits. It’s the only boundless boundary which we owe to break every time and rise high. Our imaginations or dreaming consist of things which we wish to have, when we set a picture of our own and all things fall as we want. We wish someday this hearty desires known as dreams will touch the reality cheek and enlighten our life. People say we should never strop dreaming and dreams come to reality only when we dream. While the diplomats will confront to dream – but do not expect it to come true and many such facts or phobias connected to Dreams. But does a dreaming heart ever listen to such talks? The heart who has the spark to kick off everyone will never stop dreaming and craving for his dreams. He will always find a new aim, a new challenge to reset his dreams.


Everyone wants to be a somebody from a nobody. Dreams vary. People vary. Someone wants to be a billionaire, while someone just wants to improve his conditions, someone wants to own a desired luxury while someone wants to help the poor while the dream to success is everyone’s Dream. The greatest gift our dreams give us is “The Power To Keep Going”. You are always agonized by your dreams which doesn’t let you rest. The happy end makes you greedy and we fortunately keep on riding. Stopping then seems a failure and the only thing you want is to ride and ride and ride.

Economics teaches us that dreaming and capability are not the same. Dreaming is the mere desire of a person to own a thing whereas capability defines the monetary capacity of the person. But the History of Life can prove this economic theory wrong. A person who has the desire to own a thing can surely buy it if he has the will and the strong desire. His dreams will motivate him. His dreams will set his mind on fire, he will raise his standards by working towards it and achieve what he wants.


That’s the magic of DREAMS. Sir Dr. Kalam says “Aiming small is a crime” It really is. When we dream for the moon even if we miss it we reach among the stars. And that isn’t small either. Right? Aiming big and setting high goals should be a very important task of a person’s life. The joy of dreaming is speechless and cannot be expressed.

The desire to turn a dream into reality is addictive. Working towards making a dream come true is electrifying. And the Dreams coming true is Heaven!!!

We all dream. Dreams to change our life and rise its level. The vision which makes you see yourself after 10 years. I have a Dream. You have a dream. We all have a dream. Making dreams true- is where the real work starts. Merely dreaming is vague. Taking up the challenge and devoting all efforts is the task. It’s okay if you fail- keep on trying. Always remember –“When God makes us to fail, it’s because he wants us to succeed.” And even if you fail you have tried. You didn’t chose the path of losers. You chose to be a winner!


MAKING DREAMS COME TRUE – as a task, as a life goal sounds so energetic. You need to have the guts to walk your talk and collecting guts for a thing you love, a thing which you want to owe, your dream, is it that tough??? If it is, Then imagine what you will be doing the Rest of your life! We are young, vibrant, confident and talented. We are blessed with health or family. What else do we need? This journey teaches us many stiff lessons which is my The Favorite part. We all fear to enter to the black hole, but entering to it and galvanizing all fears, learning life lessons, being prepared mentally what and how to deal when such things attack and freely coming out of the hole. This process adds tons of maturity in us. We find ourselves changing.

The journey is not easy. We will face criticism everywhere. Your own loved and blood relations may betray you, criticize and break your confidence, but when you know you are not doing a wrong thing leave everyone and continue your journey. There will be obstacles and situations, time, money, people, jealousy, anger, health, stress, frustration as your Entertainers. They will add spice and salt to your journey and without them – the result won’t be digestive. Easily gained things comes with Low or No satisfaction. So let the Obstacles come – You stay calm and unreactive. Let your entertainers entertain you. 😉

Your anger limits may be blown off sometime, you may break your crockeries and may feel the world is against you, they will not let you survive. It’s okay to feel this. Remember it’s the bad phase of the journey and a new bright day will also dawn with ease colors. Storms come and stop, things happen, shit happens. This all things are ineffective without your reaction. Calm yourself always and control your brain. Don’t let the brain control you. You will be very close to your dream. Jot down the things that will keep your ride working – your fuel. Sincerity, discipline, hardwork, dedication and the urge to burn yourself in the fire of your dreams. This will get your wheels rolling and reach you to your destination.


This all wouldn’t have been coined if we have not performed our foremost primary task of dreaming. Life is full of surprises and you never know which path is awaiting for you. Just know “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Follow your heart and let the dreams fall and create stepping stones for you. Let your dreams drive you the path of your journey, Let your dreams spark you up, Let your dreams make you alive, Let you wings spread and you fly…Let your dreams come true!


–          SANGITA MAITY.

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