I Wish To Be A Writer Someday…


writing 1

I wish to be a writer someday,

A writer whose stories touch your heart,

and leave a part of them in you forever.

A writer whose stories, make you want to live in those stories.

Stories that make you want to leave those smartphones and tablets behind,

and rejoice in the fragrance of those crisp and fresh pages of a novel.


I wish to write stories who are winners in their own right,

even if my definition of a hero or a villain are vice-verse,

the story will be the winner in any case.


Stories that impact you in such a way,

that you recollect the message and pass it on to your grandchildren.


You might forget my name, or the characters I created,

that world I articulated and the title I so painstakingly came up with,

you might even forget the plot of the story,

but as long as each one has something to take away from there,

something so unique that only you can understand and pass on to your loved one’s,

I shall feel I succeeded!


My story might not end with a happily ever after,

my story might not always have characters that are personalities to look up to,

as long as their deeds impact you and make you want to be someone people look up to,

I shall feel fulfilled!


It’s not a Utopian world I am living in,

when I expect stories to live within people and help them dream,

to help them visualize, achieve and live their life to the fullest,

when I expect stories to take the role of a companion in lonely spells,

or become a source of motivation in a dull patch,

or simply entertain to your hearts content;

because that’s where I come from,

that’s what I have taken away from all those books that are still a part of me,

and that’s exactly the sort of a writer I wish to be..

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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