Icelandic National Day 2014 SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English


Icelandic National Day is celebrated on 17 June 2014.The day is an annual holiday in Iceland which commemorates the foundation of The Republic of Iceland and its independence from Danish rule in 1944. It also marks the birthday of Jon Sigurosson who was a major figure of Icelandic culture and leader of 20th century.

Here we present Icelandic National Day 2014 SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English


  • The Icelandic national anthem is originally written for a particular occasion and it probably did not occur to either the poet or the composer that the song was destined to become a national anthem.
  • In Iceland, nation-wide celebrations were held throughout 1874 to mark the 1000th anniversary of the first Norse settlement of the island.
  • This is the “Iceland’s thousand years” that are referenced in the anthem.
  • To mark the occassion, the Bishop of Iceland decreed that church services on August 2 of that year were to be held based on the anniversary, and the text to be presented was Psalm 90.
  • The Rev. Matthías Jochumsson then decided to write a poem based on the Biblical text and the millennial anniversary.
  • While abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland, he met up with Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson, who Jochumsson asked to compose music for his poem.

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