Identifying a crisis


Identifying a crisis

If a crisis is identified, the senior employee is responsible for:

  •  Collecting information and preparing the crisis fact sheet.
  •  Requesting assistance from the crisis communications team via the crisis administrator. When a crisis occurs, you won’t have time to find the lawyer’s phone number or locate the CEO on the weekend. That’s why the Crisis Communication Team is established in advance. This team includes any and all resources you may have to call in the event of a crisis: the top decision-maker, your legal expert (in house counsel), your top communications person (that could be you), and all division heads. Basically, it includes anyone with expertise on a potentially relevant subject and in a position to make a decision and/or the people with the most expertise on issues that could be raised.
  •  Contacting the deputy crisis administrator (in the absence of the crisis administrator).
  •  Sequentially calling all crisis communications team members if neither the crisis administrator nor his deputy can be found.

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rohit patil

i am guy very passionate about management and therefore i opted BMS planning for MBA in ahead but needs some ground level experience.


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