Idolizing Pornstars? Is The Youth Really Doing That?

India is a country of great culture and heritage. We take pride in our customs, oour religions, a lot of things which have been passed on to us by our ancestors. And we do have a tradition of keeping them alive. Our culture is more like an heirloom than any other materialistic thing.
We are acceptable for change to a certain extent. But we preserve in what we believe. Also, we are quite comfortable and used to the things we do. We visit temples, we perform rituals, we celebrate age-old festivals with much fanfare..
But with change of time and the advent of modernization, we are more open and acceptable in nature. Is there a change of mind? Not at all. We have just accepted a few facts and have opened up about it.
Bollywood or the Hindi Film Industry is larger than life in India. We don’t have just actors and acctresses, we have superstars aand hearthrobs. And these superstars come from all walks of life. A recent addition to this bandwagon is Sunny Leone. The Indian-American pornstar and porn director. She walked, rather danced her way into Bollywood through the much controversial show Bigg Boss. When she entered the reality show, there was a great buzz all over the country. While the makers roped her in for some TRP, little did they imagine that she would become the next household name in India. Soon after, she began signing films and doing item numbers in movies.
Pornography is not alien to the land of Kamasutra. But when did the times change so much that a place where even talking about sex is a taboo has film stars from the porn industry.
But the fact that an entire family sits down and watches her film together is weird. And the Indian youth seems to idolize her while being platonic about is still a big question mark. Not on the upbringing, but a 360 degree change in culture.
A lot of things done by the Indian counterparts, faces the wrath of the so-called moral police. But this one seems to get a leeway in everything. Why?
The question is have we become adaptive or have we shunned the veil of our culture!

– Kashmeera Tambe

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