If You Are Reading About Tom Hardy, Read This: His Top 5 Performances!



 This British actor has established a name for himself and a huge fame around the world. This electric mix of films show Hardy in a variety of roles – and are quickly propelling him onto on the Hollywood A-list. Prior to these movies, Hardy had been working in the business for a number of years and earned strong reviews for his work in earlier films, including 2008’s Bronson. But it wasn’t until 2010 that a little film by Christopher Nolan put Hardy in front of a huge international audience and put him in line to become a member of the A-list.


1: ‘Inception’


Since the release of this story about thieves who break into the unconscious mind, Hardy has made a series of strong career choices. Hardy impressed many for his work in Inception because he stood out in this cast of high-profile Oscar nominees and winners. The film stars Oscar winners Marion Cotillard and Michael Caine, alongside Academy Award nominees like Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page. Lesser actors might not have been able to perform with so many well-known actors around but Hardy steals a few scenes and seems to having a blast along the way.




In the underappreciated gem Warrior, Hardy stars as Tommy Conlon, a military veteran who must eventually come to grips with his family. Conlon is an MMA fighter who has to face off with his estranged brother Brendan (Joel Edgerton) in the ring. A championship battle pits the brothers against each other in this emotional and compelling drama. Hardy’s physically demanding role required solid acting, especially in scenes he shares with veteran thespian Nick Nolte – who was nominated for an Oscar for his performance. Yet Hardy pulled it off, proving once again that he has the talent to go a long way in Hollywood.

3: ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’


Although I’ve seen Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy twice, I still don’t completely understand it.  What I do know is that this complicated and acclaimed Gary Oldman drama is worth seeing. As Ricki Tarr, an agent that helps guide George Smiley (Oldman) to the mole in a secret British intelligence unit, Hardy again shows his vulnerable side. This intelligent drama was never going to have the mass appeal of Inception or Warrior. Instead, it’s a character-driven story filled with moments of great subtlety and quiet tension.  Again, Hardy showed off his acting skills in a small but interesting role.


4: ‘This Means War’


Tom Hardy stars alongside Chris Pine and Reese Witherspoon in the new comedy, This Means War. Although many critics disliked the film it’s a perfect vehicle for Pine and Hardy to show off their comedic sides. As one of two men fighting over a woman, Hardy pokes fun at his own image as a tough guy, and seems to be having a good time doing so. Plus, to be one of three major stars on the movie poster – alongside A-listers like Witherspoon and Pine (Star Trek) – helps to establish Hardy as a big movie star himself. Even though ‘War’ will get more people to appreciate Hardy, it likely won’t be this film that makes him a household name.

5: ‘The Dark Knight Rises’


Tom hardy stared in this huge Nolan’s conclusion to the triology and he played the man who broke the bat “BANE”. Tom with a developed accent and with life dependent on his mask and a great physique gave even the bat a bit of fear. The role was appreciated and Tom’s work was villainous and yet worth watching giving him more fans and love.



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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