If you believe the world is falling in love with ‘KICK’, here is a review which you shouldn’t miss!



Kick: – an action film, which was expected to be a “kick”ass but was a mere push from dhoom2 to dhoom3! 
The first half of the movie was very confusing, we couldn’t actually reach out to conclusion, it was just Salman was searching for his so called KICK. Later in the second half, the story got its meaning and the reason what made him do that! All the actors were good! Salman & Jacqueline also acted well.  Who was Nawab Siddiqui in the film was not properly mentioned although he was acting good. Randeep Hooda was very cool. The movie came up with the exposed phase of country i.e corruption. Few dialogues were really catchy. It’s not a boring film, public will enjoy but the craze that was built in the minds of people THE BIG FILM, was not!  The same kind of action is seen in many films. Lastly I would like to rate it with two and a half stars!

Bhavika Madhyani

BMM Student

CHM College


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