If you can fix it, don’t worry!


We might have seen people who keep on thinking “What if this doesn’t happen”, “What if I fail in the exams”, “What if we reach late”, “What if…” and so on. This kind of thinking is called ‘Worrying’.

It’s the general habit of people to keep worrying about minute things just because they have nothing else than to worry in their life.

There is a saying “If you really don’t want to be happy in life, then start worrying and you will end up in depression.”

And if you might have noticed, we always “worry” about the things which are going to happen in future which is unseen and unknown.

When do we worry?

– When we think more

– When we doubt

– When we think negative

– When we care too much

– When we imagine more and be less realistic

– When we are too emotional

-When we fear a lot

– If you come across situations like health, financial loss, job loss

How can we conquer worry?

– Distract yourself by becoming busy with another activity which enjoys you the most

– Keep on questioning your fear

– Imagination is more worse than reality. So, stop imagining

– Have a wait-and-see approach

– Don’t worry until you know you have something to worry about

– Keep your emotions in check

– Have a positive thinking and don’t worry ahead of time

– Face your fear directly

– Talk to someone, share and express your feelings and worries

– Do constructive or creative worrying by writing the answers of the questions – What is the worst that can happen? How to handle it? What can I do to prevent it? This would give you a plan of action

– Be proactive rather than reactive

– Laugh and see if you can joke about what’s worrying you

– Understand the difference between worry and concern. Worry is a problem and concern is solution

– Don’t worry about things you can’t do anything about

– If you can fix it, don’t worry!

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