IIEMT – Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Management & Technology


IIEMT – Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Management & Technology

courses are designed by real-life entrepreneurs and consultants
and taught by real-life entrepreneurs and consultants



Dear Aspiring Indian,

It is my pleasure to share with you the inspiration behind taking up this venture.

Over my years of consulting experience, on numerous occasions I have remembered the great Indian freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhashji and wondered how did they manage to fight a battle with so much conviction and vigour when the goal was hardly visible – today we know India is politically free,
but in their days they were only driven by a glimmer of a hope. Even more worthy of appreciation are the families of the freedom fighters –think of those who never made to any history book – who allowed their husbands, children, grandchildren to take up this highly risky, unsure routes at the cost of their own happiness.

I always wondered what gave them that spirit – it can only be the hope of a Free India – that I guess is the power of Spirit of Freedom unplugged.

And today, when India is marching towards economic freedom, towards Super-Powerdom, I stand here awaiting my Bhagat Singhs and Gandhis…

For me entrepreneurs are the economic freedom fighters of India. For me entrepreneurs like Bhagat Singh and Mahatma Gandhi are the need of the hour.

But today out there in the market they don’t produce such personalities anymore it seems.

Out there, there Is a blind tug-of-war to take up big sounding degrees in the name of education, all in the hope of a fat pay check. But what they don’t realize is unless there are great enterprises, there can’t be fat pay-checks and the MNCs would not pay fat checks if supply exceeds demand.

Unfortunately the families have also got used to lifestyles beyond their means – so who cares about economic freedom of India. The society as a whole has reached such a stage today the self-made entrepreneur coming in a Nano will be frowned upon and a Vice-President coming in a Audi or other luxury car will be looked up to.

It is not that we don’t have a Steve jobs, or a Bill gates in India – we may have 100s of them in the backyard, but we just don’t have the right E-ecosystem (Entrepreneurial Ecosystem) that nurtures them.

Parents scorn them, wives ridicule them,
children sneer at them, friends deride them, society taunts them, bankers scoff at them, government taxes them– and against all these, they have to take on the dynamic markets.

Not once, not twice – this is the story of the Indian entrepreneur 9 out of 10 times. I know there are some handful of world-class business leaders produced by India – but what about those unsung thousands who never made it anywhere– who being ashamed of some of the early day failures, are hiding behind various pretexts to escape from the scornful eyes of their loved ones – people who have buried their fire and drive deep within in the name of family responsibility.

If India has to be a super power, it has to earn its economic freedom; and for that we need thousands and thousands of these economic freedom fighters on the streets.

Through Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Management and Technology [IIEMT] my humble dream is to put together an ecosystem that will harbor such potential. Starting with hardcore entrepreneurial education the idea is to build up a complete framework for entrepreneurship in the years to come.

So my appeal to all those aspiring, driven, committed Indians is,

Come, let’s create more jobs,
Come, let’s celebrate entrepreneurship,
Come, lets create a society which feels proud of economic freedom fighters,
Come let’s make India the greatest Super-power ever.

Jai Hind ! Proud to be an Entrepreneur. Proud to be the Economic Freedom Fighter.


Sashi Menon
Business Strategist,
Serial Entrepreneur,
Motivational Speaker
Author, Spiritual Guide
Follow Sashi on:




The Courses Offered

• Entrepreneurship Programmes (basic & advanced):

This is our flagship programme designed primarily for aspiring entrepreneurs and those daring spirits who are less than 3 years into business. The idea is to give a holistic view of business and alert the entrepreneurial spirit to take up necessary preparation before embarking on the ambitious journey.

• Intrapreneurship Programmes (basic & advanced):

Entrepreneurial spirit is not limited to businessmen – it is the very need of every professional., given the dynamic, turbulent times ahead. Information explosion across the globe across all sectors calls for a higher ability to handle ambiguity.

• Beyond Personality Development (Employability Skills – basic and advanced):

Today more and more educated youth are coming out of colleges across India after years of training. Their hard skills are great, they are intelligent and positive in attitude, but they lack various soft-skills . Among the various interviews we conduct for various clients, only 10 percent graduates are only employable, putting both the employer and the prospective employee in a tight spot. This course is an initiative to fill the gap. Backed by the strong placement cell, we expect to successfully train and employee the sincere, deserving and committed candidate.

• Family Business Management (basic & advanced):

Family business has its own unique set of challenges that regular business do not face. This course is primarily intended for businessmen who want to build a family business and for those who have inherited a family business. Here we address issues specific to family business besides covering entrepreneurship and management principles in general.

• Women Entrepreneurship Programme (basic & advanced):

This is the entrepreneurship programme for aspiring women entrepreneurs keeping in view their specific challenges.

• Project Management (basic & advanced):

The heart of existence is resources and management of resources to deliver a particular set of results within a specified time-frame is Project Management. This course will develop the result oriented person in you

• General business management (basic & advanced):

This is the basic general management diploma which is second to none in terms of understanding and more importantly application of concepts.

• Marketing & sales Management (basic & advanced):

This is a marketing management diploma which will enable you to understand the modern landscape of marketing and sales both on the offline and online space. The course will include live case studies.

• HR management (basic & advanced):

People form the most important resource of any enterprise. This course will introduce you to various HR concepts and techniques of implementing some of the popular models.

• Finance Management (basic & advanced):

End of the day business and finance are 2 inseparable sides of a coin. This course covers every necessary, relevant, core aspect of finance management and implementation that will allow you to develop your career in that area.

• IT & Telecom Management (basic & advanced):

Today for that reason every moment, more and more businesses are adopting more and more applications for more and more of the business functions. This course primarily aims to give you a complete understanding of how these things exist and inter-operate enabling you to master them with practice in the years to come.

• Wealth and Legacy Management (basic):

While everyone is busy working hard to make money, very few spend quality time managing their money. Very few understand the concept of wealth, growing it and passing it on as a legacy to future generations in the right manner. This course is for those of you who are learned and committed to perpetual prosperity



  • IIEMT can save 3 years of your precious life At IIEMT you Learn from the experts Courses are designed by real life entrepreneurs and consultants and taught by real life entrepreneurs and consultants
  • Case studies and real world situations
  • First E-school-going beyond B-schools focusing on entrepreneurial development
  • IIEMT equips you and lighten the challenges involved in entrepreneurship
  • IIEMT makes Opportunity Mine available
  • IIEMT provides a Trusted Business Network through their existing network
  • At IIEMT, Mentoring, Coaching and Consulting are available going forward
  • Completion of course is only the beginning – 24*7 email/sms support is available
  • Career Courses for Professionals (Earn while You Learn)
  • IIEMT provides grass-root Industry Internship
  • IIEMT also provides placement options for those who want to continue their corporate journey
  • FREE SAMSUNG Galaxy TAB ACE 2 with select courses

E-schools – going beyond B-schools…

Who Can benefit ?

  • MBAs who want to start up business
  • Business owners who want to train their children in business
  • Business owners who want to train their wives to support them
  • Professionals looking for fast track executive management courses
  • Graduates looking at getting better jobs
  • Professionals working close to owners, promoters, senior management
  • Youngsters wanting to start business or learn management
  • People with less percentages struggling to get admission in management colleges



come, let’s ignite
the entrepreneurial spirit
of India…



Corporate Office: 306, 3rd Floor, White House, S.V. Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai, India-400 058.
Tel : +91 22 61276341; Mobile: +91- 9702447442
Email: [email protected]

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