IIM’s PI and WAT Shortlist 2014 To Be Declared On 26th January 2014


According to the official notification on IIM Trichy’s website, “List of candidates for WAT and PI for IIM Kashipur, IIM Raipur, IIM Ranchi, IIM Rohtak, IIM Trichy and IIM Udaipur will be available in the website on 26th January 2014 for access.”

The list was initially supposed to release on January 22 but was delayed due to reports of CAT 2013 score discrepancy. 

“Individual IIMs will prepare a shortlist based on their shortlisting criteria. These shortlists will be combined for further processing by the coordinating IIM, namely, IIM Trichy. From the combined list, names of candidates called for interviews by IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, and IIM Kozhikode will be set aside. The remaining candidates will be called for a Common Personal Interview and Written Analysis Test (PI and WAT),” says the notice.

Around 800 seats available in the new IIMs.

The new IIMs are expected to invite applications from 10,000 candidates to take part in the combined PI and WAT process termed Common Admission Process (CAP).

IIM Tiruchirappalli is expected to conduct CAP 2014 for the six newer IIMs of Kashipur, Tiruchirappalli, Udaipur, Rohtak, Raipur and Ranchi.

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