iLLUMINAR – Intercollegiate IT-Tech Fest of KES Shroff Junior College of Arts and Commerce


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It is an intercollegiate IT- Tech Fest, a platform for junior students to flaunt their techno ability. The event is managed by KES’ Shroff College Management and sponsored by various firms and the junior IT club, i.e, IT Gen-Next. The members of the committee host this event to Tap and Promote talent related to technology among the students. After two years of gradual development, the club has decided to take the event on the next level. Last year iLLUMINAR’13 was a shocking hit with 50+ colleges participating and HR College being the winner!


The Club was formed in December, 2010 by M. Alwin Deva Arasu for the purpose of making the IT subject a more friendly and approachable topic for those who’ve found it to be extremely complicated and nerve wrecking. In contrast to this common belief, we have entwined our lives with technology to such an extent that it has become next to impossible to work efficiently without it. Our compatibility with technology has resulted in advancement and luxury that is incomparable to that of 10 years ago.



  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • QWERTY Racing
  • Movie Making
  • 2D Flash Animatronics
  • Image Art
  • Music Mania
  • HTML Debugging
  • Counter Strike 1.6
  • Techno Connector
  • Need For Speed


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