Imarticus Learning Key Programs for BMS Graduates and MBAs


Have you always dreamed of joining a global Investment Bank in the likes of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Barclays etc? Here’s your opportunity – the various programs at Imarticus are designed for careers in Financial Analysis, Securities and Derivaties within Investment Banking.

The programs are internationally accredited and transform you into a financial professionals in a matter of months.

Key Programs for BMS Graduates and MBAs:

IFAP (Financial Analysis Program): 2-3 month Program:

Designed to develop finance professionals with outstanding qualitative and quantitative skills. This program with key valuation techniques and provide in-depth knowledge on Equity Research, Private Equity, Corporate Finance and Risk Management.

CIBOP (Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional) : 1- 3 month Program:

Designed for careers in Financial Operations, Treasury and Clearing divisions within and Investment Bank. Operations across all product lines including Securities 




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