Importance of Ethical behaviour at the workplace


An organization, whether a business or a government agency, is first & Foremost human society. If an employer does not take steps to create a work environment where the employees have a clear, common understanding of what is right & wrong & free feel to discuss & ask questions about ethical issues & reports violations, significant problems could arise which are as follows:-

 D- Diminished reputations in the industry & community
 U- Increased risk of employees making Unethical decisions
 S- Significant legal exposure & loss of competitive advantage in market place
 T- Increased Tendency of employees to report violations to outside regulatory authorities because they lack on adequate internal forum.
 E- In the long run, Effect of this would be that it would render the company unprofitable
& the company would go into liquidation.
 R- Inability to Recruit & Retain top people.

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