Importance Of Positivity And Prayer


Positivity and prayer go hand in hand. Prayer is the most essential need of the hour for our country today. Families that fight often are in need of prayer the most. There is so much of negativity around you and all you need is positive thoughts and prayer. The importance of both is felt in today’s world where stress takes over and the only thing that can help us get away with it is by being positive and by praying to God.


Prayers can be said in different forms in different religions. Since India is a country with different religions and cultures there are so many ways of praying. In Catholics prayers are done through serving mass, singing hymns and saying the rosary.  Hindus chant the gayatri mantra which is said to be the most powerful pray chanted. There are others forms of aarti and pujas. Muslims have their azaan and read the kuraan, they go to dargas. Parsis go to their fire temples. Punjabis go to gurudwaras. And there are so many ways of praying. You pray to different Gods. God is one. It all depends on your faith and your believe in god and prayer.


Positivity is as important as the air that we breathe. Without having a positive attitude it is very difficult to deal with the stress and worries of life. Positivity is the feeling of satisfaction and a sense of happiness. A positive mind can perform the most difficult task easily. That’s the power of positivity. Positivity is one such attitude that everyone must have. Children and young adults should inculcate this positive attitude from their childhood.

Positivity and prayer as a combination effect:

Positivity and prayer can is such a combination that can move mountains. If you have a positive attitude and you pray with a genuine heart nothing can stop you from achieving anything in life. A positive mind and positive body lives a longer life.  Positive energy is something that can improve your health and confidence level. Confidence is the state of mind where an individual can perform and execute certain tasks well and represent themselves without any kind of fear. Positivity and prayer is the need of the hour. Today we see so many attacks on Iraq, Iran, and Kashmir so many places. Past terror attacks even in Mumbai where we stay and roam even at 2 in the morning.

Through prayer and positivity we can make changes in our life and in our country.

Some pointers to keep in mind with regards to positivity and prayer

  • Keeping a positive attitude towards every situation in life.

In every situation we must keep a positive attitude. A positive attitude creates positive thoughts. This in turn helps living life with a new perspective.

  • Reading positive books and positive quotes

Often reading positive quotes and positive books instils in you a positive attitude which is required to lead a normal and stress free life.

  • Praying and believing in you.

Prayer is the solution to every problem. Prayer helps you believe and have faith that everything will be all right. Believing in you is a sign of confidence. Confidence that can take you places.

  • Exercising and regular workouts

Exercising is a must today as we have adapted a lifestyle that isn’t healthy and the only way that can help you reduce stress apart from developing a positive attitude exercise can help. Working out regularly helps the body maintain your weight. Regular workout helps in weight management.

  • Developing a healthy lifestyle.

Developing a healthy lifestyle helps in many ways. It reduces stress. It helps in leading a healthy life. It helps in maintaining discipline. You live longer. You feel better. You no longer get tired.

  • Eating the proper food

Fatty food makes you lazy and lousy. You become lethargic. Whereas eating right makes you feel more energetic and enthusiastic.

  • Sleeping for 8hours a day

Sleep is the most important thing of the day. 8 hours of sleep is needed. Resting helps your brain to function well for the rest of the hours while you work.

  • Keeping the Sabbath.

Keeping the day holy and during your religious duty is termed as Sabbath. Sunday is a Sabbath it is a day when we rest doing nothing away from all our work and we pray and go to church. Following our religious responsibilities. All this is included in prayer.

  • Fear of God.

Fear of God is needed. If you do not fear God you will not fear anything. When you are doing something if you have it in your mind that God is watching you wouldn’t do so many things.

  • Keeping health as an uttermost priority.

Going for regular check-ups and keeping a track of blood sugar levels and blood pressure helps in maintaining a good health. In order to earn wealth we often neglect health.

  • Trying to bring variety in the way you pray( gospel music)

If you find praying boring then try to bring variations in praying. There are so many ways in which you can pray. You can sing artis, hymns even gospel music is good to hear.

  • Taking part in religious activities and prayers.

Positivity comes when you pray. Prayers can bring in the most positive energies in one’s life. Helping in the church activities or probably organising a sai baba Bandaar is another way of doing something for God and serving the lord.

  • Google doesn’t have all the answers the bible, kuran and bhagwat geeta has it.

Sure google has many answers to all your problems but sometimes the bible, kuran and bhagvat geeta has answers to all the questions in the world. Everything is pre written and while you are in trouble through prayers and with the help of the holy books it can be re written.

PRAYER is a powerful channel of communication that can resolve every fight, every problem can be your solution you just have to start praying. Positivity will automatically reflect in your personality as prayer being the base of it.

  • Carren bryne.

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