Important Circular regarding Credit Based Semester and Grading System



No. UG / 64 of 2013‐2014




A reference is invited to this office circular no. UG / 144 of 2011 dated 14th June 2011. The Directors/Heads of the Departments, the Principals of the affiliated colleges in Arts, Science and Commerce, the Heads of the Recognized Institutions concerned are hereby requested to note and implement the clarifications given below on issues related to the Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S) Program under the Credit Based Semester and Grading System:


  1. Courses offered at Semester III and Semester IV of the B.M.S. Program and their Code Numbers will be as follows



Code Title of the Course to be taught  
  UBMSFSIII.1 Management Accounting  
  UBMSFSIII.2 Managerial Economics – II  
  UBMSFSIII.3 Marketing Management  


UBMSFSIII.4 Business Aspects in Banking & Insurance  
  UBMSFSIII.5 Strategic Management  
  UBMSFSIII.6 Production Management & Materials  
  UBMSFSIV.1 Research Methods in Business  
  UBMSFSIV.2 Direct & Indirect Taxes  


UBMSFSIV.3 Export Import Procedure & Documentation  
UBMSFSIV.4 Cooperatives & Rural Markets  
  UBMSFSIV.5 Productivity and Quality Management  
  UBMSFSIV.6 Public Relations Management  


b. There is no change in the paper pattern for Semester V Examination of the T.Y.B.M.S. Program to be held in November 2013 and will be same as the last Academic year.


C. No. of courses offered by a learner at Semester VI of the BMS Program are 7 (seven) as listed below:


  Compulsory Courses  


UBMSFSVI.1 Entrepreneurship & Management of Small &  
Medium Enterprises  


UBMSFSVI.2 Operations Research  


UBMSFSVI.3 International Finance  


UBMSFSVI.4 Indian Management Thought and Practices  


UBMSFSVI.5 International Marketing  


UBMSFSVI.6 Retail Management  
  Elective (any one)  


UBMSFSVI.7 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management  


UBMSFSVI.8 Econometrics  


d. The project at Semester V of the B.M.S. Program will carry 3 credit points and will be evaluated for 200 marks. Please refer to circular no. UG / 144 of 2011 dated 14th June 2011 which specifies the courses offered and credit points allotted to the courses.


Further the evaluation of the project must be completed not later than 20 days after the conduct of the last examination of Semester V. The university will display the schedule for evaluation of the projects along with the external examiners.


The guidelines for evaluation of the project are as under:

i)            Hard copy 100 marks, Presentation 50 marks and Viva examination 50 marks.


ii)            As per the norms, the learner has to obtain minimum 40% of the marks in the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination i.e. 32 out of 80 and 48 out of 120 marks respectively to pass in the Project.


iii)            The hard copy will be jointly evaluated by the internal and the external guide for 30 and 70 marks respectively.


iv)            The presentation will be evaluated by the internal guide for 50 marks. The viva voce examination of 50 marks will be conducted by the external guide in presence of the internal guide / coordinator / any senior staff appointed by the Principal of the College / Head of the Institution. However the marks for the viva voce will be allotted by the External Guide Only.


v)            The marks obtained by the learner for the project will not be disclosed to the learner before the declaration of the result.


vi)            The marks allotted by the internal guide will be treated as Internal Assessment and the evaluation by the external Guide will be treated as Semester End Assessment i.e. External Assessment.


vii)            The marks thus obtained by the learner in the project will be graded in the SEVEN point scale as given below:




Grade Points



140 & above




120 to 139.99




110 to 119.99




100 to 109.99




90 to 99.00




80 to 89.99



F (Fail)

79.99 & below




viii)            The marks obtained by the learner and the corresponding grade must be communicated to the Controller of Examinations, University of Mumbai by the college authorities in the format prescribed, within 3 days of the conduct of the project evaluation.


ix)            The external examiner is expected to spend at least 10 minutes for every learner to evaluate the hard copy of the project and conduct of the Viva Voce.


x)           External & Internal Examiner should not assess more that 30 project per day (for all courses taken together).


xi)            The remuneration payable to the Internal and External Guide shall be as prescribed by the university

Guidelines for doing project

Every learner shall submit individual project.

The topic / problem / theme for the project shall be suggested/ approved by the Course teacher or by the supervising teacher or by the coordinator of the Program.

Every project shall have an internal guide who preferably must be the faculty of the college and an external guide. The external guide shall be approved by the Principal of the College/Head of the Department.

The project report, preferably, shall be neatly typed in Times Roman in 12 points double spaced on A4 size paper. The project report shall not be less than 50 pages.

The project report, preferably, shall be hard bound and the title of the project, name of the learner, class, seat number, the name of the Internal Guide, the name of the college/department, date of submission and the name of the University shall be printed on the upper face of the hard bound copy / file.
A learner shall submit two copies of the project at least one month before the commencement of the Viva Examination. Both the copies shall be certified by the internal guide / supervising teacher, the external guide and the Principal of the College / Head of the Department. One copy of the project shall be retained by the college/department and the other copy shall be returned to the learner after certification but before the commencement of the presentation and viva‐voce Examination. The learner shall bring his/her copy of the project during the Presentation and Viva‐voce Examination.



Structure of the report


Title of the project on first page with the name, seat number / roll number of the learner, name of the College/Department and the University

A declaration from the learner that the project work is completed by him/her in person under the supervision of the internal guide and the external guide and that the contents of the project are not copied from any other source such as internet, earlier projects, text books etc.

Certificate from the organization/enterprise/firm where project field work is conducted (for competing the project work)

Certificate from the External Guide



Project report.

THIS CIRCULAR IS AVAILABLE ON THE UNIVERSITY WEBSITE and the same has been brought into force with effect from the academic year 2013‐2014.




MUMBAI – 400 032                                                                                               REGISTRAR


Date : 5th October 2013




The Director / Heads of the University Department, Principals of the affiliated colleges, the Heads of the recognized institutions concerned.



No.UG/ICC/2013‐14/64‐A                  Mumbai – 400 032                   5/10/2013


Copy forwarded with compliments for information to

  1. The Dean, Faculty of Commerce
  2. The Chairman, Board of Studies in Business Management
  3. The Controller of Examinations
  4. The Professor‐cum‐Director, Institute of Distance & Open Learning (IDOL)
  5. The Coordinator, University Computerisation Centre

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