Hey TYBMSites!
As our unpredictable Mumbai university keeps coming up with new updates related to exams, paper patterns and vivas, we have created this post which would keep you updated with each minute changes in your BMS curriculum.
Please find below useful links:
1) TYBMS Sem 5 (2013 batch CBGS) system Examination Timetable
2) TYBMS Sem 5 ATKT Examination Timetable
3) TYBMS Sem 6 ATKT Examination Timetable
4) TYBMS 200 marks projects viva dates
5) TYBMS Important Question Banks
6) TYBMS Examination Tips
7) Latest circular with regards to Credit Based Semester and Grading System
7) Have a exam-related query? Our BMS experts would solve it
Does The Marks Of Sem 1,2,3,4 Affects The Aggregate Result Of University Result Of TYBMS ??
Yes according to the Credit Based Semester and grading system
5th sem atkt ka result kab ayega..which held in last mnth 23rd oct 2013…
WHEN WILL BE announce 6 th sem kt result oct 2013
when tybms 5th sem cbgs result goin to come