Important questions for Business Ethics and Corporate Governance 2013 by Prof. Pritesh Somani


Some Important Question for Business Ethics and corporate Governance

Q1) Concepts

1)    Altruism

2)    Child labor

3)    ILO

4)    Swadharma

5)    Shareholder v/s stakeholder

6)    Ethics v/s law

7)    Green marketing

8)    Commandments of Computer Ethics.

9)    Audit Committee

10)                       Sustainable reporting

Long answers:-

  1. Explain Purshartha in detail? Does Pursharta exist in reality today?
  2. Does the study on Business Ethics is restricted to books only ? Provide your views on the same
  3.  Do you agree an manger can never be an Entrepreneur but an entrepreneur can be manager ? Justify
  4. “External stake holders are more important than internal stake holders” justify the given statement?
  5. Highlight the recently opened scam of NSEL? What were the main reasons for the happening of this scam?
  6. Explain the ethical standard in global Marketing?
  7. What are the Unethical Practices followed in advertising of a product ? Highlight the most unethical advertising according to you ?


  1. Recommendation reports of Different committees on Corporate Governance?
  2. Highlight the unethical environmental practices in Indian and western countries?

Short Notes:-

  1. Clause 36
  2. Clause 49
  3. Objectives of Disclosure
  4. Whistleblowing
  5. Inside trading

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Pritesh Somani
I have completed my MMS (Marketing), I believe in a simple philosophy i.e. consider student as your friend and improve their performance in their academic structure. I completed by Bachelor of Management studies from Mumbai University. I cleared my UGC – NET Examination in June 2012, currently I am pursuing my Masters of Philosophy from D.Y Patil institute of Management studies. I am currently working with Pragati College of Arts & Commerce as Assistant Professor and also doing my M.Phil from DY Patil Institute of Management Studies.


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