Important questions for International Marketing – TYBMS Sem 6


Please find below an exhaustive list of important questions for International Marketing – TYBMS Sem 6 by Prof Jinal Sameer Shah

1. Define International Marketing and explain its features? – Module 1

2. Distinguish Between Domestic & International Marketing? – Module 1

3. PESTLE Analysis or International Marketing Environment – Case Study – Module 1

4. Explain the different types of Trade barriers? Module 1

5. Write a note on EU, NAFTA & ASEAN? Module 1
6. Write the functions of WTO and explain the DOHA round of WTO? Module 1
7. Write a note on advantages & disadvantages of MNC? Module 1
8. Summarise the functions & factors influencing packaging? Module 2
9. Explain the different types of foreign intermediaries? Module 2
10. Write a note on Labeling & Marking? Module 2
11. Explain the role of IIP in the packaging field? Module 2
12. Explain the factors influencing pricing? Module 3
13. Write in detail the different pricing methods? Module 3
13.Write a note on INCOTERMS? Module 3
15. Write a note on direct and indirect exporting? Module 3
16. Elaborate the various incentives & assistance offered by Indian Government to exporters? Module 4
17. Explain the methods of entry in Export markets? Module 4
18. Explain the basis for Market segmentation in International Markets? Module 4

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Jinal Shah

An enthusiastic and goal-driven teacher. A versatile individual with the talent to create hands-on lessons with practical knowledge that captures a student’s imagination and breeds success. Effectively addresses every student’s learning style and abilities. Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills to foster meaningful relationships with students, staff, and parents.


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