IMTP October 2011 University Question Paper


OCT 2011 SEM 6


Q1Explain Panchakoshas.                                                                                                3marks


Q 2 Explain Meditation of Ashtanga Yoga.                                                          3marks


Q 3 Explain Karmayoga&Bhaktiyoga.                                                                  3marks


 Q4 Explain Svadharma.                                                                                         3marks


 Q5 Explain Maya in Advaita Vedanta.                                                                 3marks


Q 6 Case Study.
Aneesh works in an Advertising agency as Secretary to the Public Relations Officer. He was recognized for his sincerity and dedication at work. He was punctual and diligent very disciplined and systematic at work. His boss valucd him for his integrity and conduct.
He hails from a middle ciass family and has grown up in a small town. His search for a job brought him to the city at a very early age. Anecsh is an under-graduate, who started working in order to support his parents and sister after his father’s rctirement. With a meager salary of Rs. 10,000, he had to support his family in town and also share the remaining part of his salqry with his elder brother, with whom he lived in the city.
Aneesh discovered a night school in the vicinity where he lived. He expressec! his desire to pursue his studies, both to his brother and his boss. His boss encouraged him and also made a few adjushrents in his work schedule in order to facilitate his attencling his classes.
Aneesh completed his graduation in Politicat Science and then continued his studies in the stream of Law. After his graduation in Law, Aneesh expected a raisc and a promotion, if not immediately, at least in the near future. He waited patiently for two years but he continued in the same post and grade, with the same salary. Frustration slowly crept in as there was no change in his job profile too.
After two years, Aneesh left the agency to pick up an executive’s post at a Marketing firm. He was thrillcd as his scope of work included liasoning with various other agencies, discussing legal issues and matters, reading contracts and legal documents. He was happy at work, both for the remuneration and benefits and the job satisfaction. Aneesh managed to make his parents proud and was a good support to his family. His self-esteem was enhanced and his self image positive.
1. Analyse Aneesh’s personality, with reference to S-R-T- gunas.
2. Justiff the view that Aneesh was tnre to his own self, and to his dharma.
3. Do you feel that it was a failure on the part of the boss that Aneesh left the agency?
Justiff your viewpoint.                                                                                             15marks


 Q7 Compare and contast Maslow’s hierarchy of needs & the concept of Purusharthas as theories of motivation.                                                                10marks


Q 8 Discuss the ideal qualities of a corporate leader quoting examplcs from lndian epics and mythology.                                                                                                10marks


 Q9 Discuss personality development in relation to S-R-T Gunas.                 10marks


 Q10 Write a short note on Role of Karta.                                                             5marks


 Q11 Write a short note on Dhamravis-i-vis Profit.                                                  5marks


 Q12 Write a short note on Gurukul system & a learning organization.          5marks

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