IMTP October 2012 University Question Paper






OCT 2012 SEM 6


Q1. Explain Self-Management.                                                                             3marks


 Q2 Explain Self realization.                                                                                               3marks


 Q3 Explain Significance of Indian festivals.                                                       3marks


Q 4 Explain Spirituality.                                                                                           3marks


 Q5 Explain Samsara.                                                                                              3marks


 Q6 Case Study:

The doubting Thomas of Mahabharata i.e. ShriArjun came to Lord Krishna and asked him to explain the concept of “Perception”. Lord explainable the meaning with the following happening i.e. He first called Duryodhana to find a good man and to get him before the end of the day, to which, Duryodhana promptly replied, “except for himself and Lord Krishna all are rascals” but still Lord directed him to get a good man till the end of the day and Duryodhana said that he would try to Bet one. After some time the Lord called Yudhisthra and told him to get a bad person to whom Yudhisthra promptly replied that no one less bad. Here, again Lord directed Yudhisthra to get a bad man before the end of the day.

By the end of the day Duryodhana came rushing to the Lord and said that there is no good man available in the world as he could not see any good man or good thing happening for he less born and grown bad. in contrast, after few minutes, Yudhisthra came and reported to Lord Krishna that there was no bad man in the world and all are doing some good or other, for he was a good man and he could not get a bad person as he was born and living good.
This is all about perception.

(i) Explain in brief your concept of “Perception”.
(ii) Do you think Duryodhana or Yudhisthra would ever change in their life?
(iii) “Bhagavad Gita had cleared all the doubts of ShrlArjun” Comment.



 Q7 Discuss Indian Ethos and explain how it is influencing the management and business practices in India.                                                                          10marks


 Q8 Explain the meaning of ‘Dharma’. How is Dharma’ different frorh ‘Rellgion’?



Q 9 What are the benefits of learning to individuals, organization and society?



 Q10 Write a short note on Karma Siddhant and productivity.                          5marks


 Q11 Write a short note on Gunas.                                                                         5marks


Q 12 Write a short note on lslam.                                                                           5marks

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