CH 1
1. What is ethos? What are the distinctive characteristics of Indian Ethos?
2. „Unity in Diversity‟ is one of the most important features of Indian ethos. Do you agree?
3. Discuss Indian Ethos and explain how it is influencing the management and business practices in India.
4. Shot Note on Indian Ethos in Management.
5. Principle of Divinity.
6. Explain the concept of Divinity
CH 2
7. Is there a conflict in the value system of east and west? Make a comparative study between value system of India, USA, and Japan.
8. Define Culture.
9. Make a comparative study of values practiced in Japan, India and America
10. Explain the concept of Renunciation.
CH – 3
11. Discuss personality development in relation to S-R-T Gunas.
Ø Short note:
a. Peace through Yoga
12. Meditation and Astanga Yoga
13. Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga
14. What is Yoga? What is the relationship between Yoga and Successful Manager?
15. Describe the 4 Margas to attain the ultimate objective of bliss.
16. Describe 3 Gunas/ SRT Gunas
17. What is the effect of food on Gunas.
18. Explain how Gunas affect the success of a Manager.
19. Can organisation help its HR personnel to develop desirable gunas.
20. Explain the concept of Sakshi Bhav & Kundalini Shakti.
21. Distinguish between Role Personality and True Personality
22. Explain Patanjali Munis Ashtanga yoga.
23. Moksha through Karma Yoga
CH – 4
24. Five Sheaths and individual personality.
a. Atman
b. Panchkoshas
c. Potential Divinity
26. Describe the 5 Kosha‟s/Sheath of a human body.
27. Explain the concept of Moksha
28. What are the guidelines to restore the sound mental health?
CH – 5
29. How far is it important for a manager to search for inner peace in the Midst of hustle and bustle of corporate life?
30. Explain how inner peace contributes to the performance of a manager in corporate life.
31. What is Meditation? What are its benefits to a Manager?
32. Explain the procedure of Meditation.
CH – 6
33. What is the difference between manager and leader? What are the responsibilities of a good leader?
34. Explain the qualities of an effective leader.
35. Define Leadership
36. Gandhiji‟s philosophy of Trusteeship
37. Transactional leadership
38. Enumerate the various style of leadership, giving suitable examples from both Indian industry and mythology.
39. Discuss the ideal qualities of a corporate leader, quoting examples from Indian epics and mythology.
40. Write about Motivation and Leadership theory is most effective in Indian? Explain.
41. Discuss the Ideal qualities of Corporate Leader quoting examples from Indian Mythology
42. Krishna as a Management Guru
43. Explain Dharmic Leadership.
44. Short note on Transformational Leader/ Explain the concept of Transformational leadership style with reference
45. Short Note on Raj Rishi model of leadership.
46. Short note on Krishna as a Management Guru.
47. Short Note on Karta in Family Managed Business
48. Describe the concept of Family Managed business and karta leadership in brief.
49. Who is a Mentor? Describe its importance in transforming an organisation.
CH -7
50. What is the Indian Approach to motivation? What is the difference between the American and Japanese approach?
51. Explain the concept of Rina System of Motivation
52. Describe ancient technique of motivation
53. Suggest Motivational practices that can be adopted by Indian corporate houses.
54. Distinguish between Indian Approach of Motivation and Western Approach of Motivation.
55. Compare and contrast Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs and the concept of Purusharthas as
theories of motivation
56. How can Indian motivation theory be applied to boost the efficiency of a business manager
57. Is ANANDA a motivating factor?
58. Suggest suitable motivational practices that can be adopted by Indian Corporate Houses
59. Analyse the concepts of Inspiration and Motivation in the Indian context and compare them with the western concepts.
60. Compare and contrast Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs with the Purushartha Model of
CH – 8
61. Discuss the co-relation between nature and human society. How does it help in building human capital.
62. How do Indian Management thoughts harmonize human values, environment, culture and society?
63. Business Meeting etiquette in India.
64. Role of Women in India.
65. Discuss correlation between nature and Indian ethos or society.
CH – 9
66. What is significance of different festivals in social and cultural life an individual?
67. Discuss the significance of religion and festivals for developing team-spirit and creativity in management.
CH – 10
68. What are the benefits of learning to individuals organisations and society.
69. Gurukul system and learning organisation.
70. What is learning? Explain the different mechanism of learning
71. Explain Gurukul System of learning.
72. Short Note on Traditional Values. Modern Values
73. Distinguish between Traditional education system and Modern day learning.
74. Coercion, Conformity and change
75. Short Note on Karta in a Family Managed Business.
CH – 11
76. Briefly Explain the Law of Karma (Karma Sidhanta)
77. What is the need to study the concept of Vasudhiva Kutumbakam in today‟s world or for today‟s youth.
78. Explain the difference between religion and Spirituality.
79. Explain the values thought by different religions.
CH – 12
80. Explain the concept of Maya. What are its Significance?
81. Maya in Advaita Vedanta
CH –13
82. What is Dharma? Explain Swadharma
83. What is the meaning of “Dharma”? How is it different than Religion?
84. What is the difference between Dharma and Swadharma?
85. Dharma vis-à-vis Profit
86. What is Varna Ashram Dharma?
CH –14
87. What are the implications of Nishkama Karma?
88. What do you mean Corporate Karma. Explain the confluence of individual karma and
Corporate karma.
89. Explain how selfless work (Nishkama Karma) improves the quality of work life and productivity in the organisation.
90. Individual Karma and Corporate Karma
91. Karma Siddhant and Productivity
CH – 15
92. Vasudaiva Kutumbakam & Globalisation