IMTP Sample Question Paper 2013

  1. All questions are compulsory in section I and
  2. Attempt any 3 from section II

Section I

Q.1) Answer he following concepts. (15)

  1. Panchakoshas
  2. Five sheaths and individual personality
  3. Moksha through karma yoga
  4. Vasudhaiva kutumbakam & globalization
  5. Maya in advaita Vedanta

Q.2)  Case study

Mr.Rajan and Mr. Tilak graduated from the same B-school and are Close friends. Almost every weekend they get together along with their families. Mr.Rajan is now a manager whereas Mr. Tilak is already a senior manager . The various differences are visible to all personnel in the organization. Mr Rajan in inclined to adhere to rules and regulations, complying with the chain of commands. He posses capabilities and accepts challenging assignments, but faces difficulties in mobilizing human resources. On the contrary Mr.Tilak is also technically sound. Both Mr.Tilak and Mr. Rajan read business magazines and possess huge managerial reserves. It is understood that Mr. Tilak reads Bhagwad Gita every morning and shares thoughts and teachings of lord Krishna to Arjuna with staff, who listens with rapt attention. He believes while working, he must serve humankind and do something for the next generation. He wants to plant seeds so that others can get the fruits. furthersome, Mr. TIlak  believes In innovation, finding new ways of doing works, changing the work system and creating a new vision .

The four deputy managers are academically brilliant like others recruited with them, but fumble in decision-making. Even if they make decision, they submit their draft to heir seniors “for approval.” His process of obtaining approval happens in the cases where they can implement the decision s themselves. Approval seeking consumes unnecessary time.

Mr. M.B Sastry is a director (HRD) and looks after a human resources’ and leadership development of the company .he observes that Mr. Rajan remains busy in directing, supervising, recording, preparing circulars for formal communication.

On the contrary, Mr. tilak can achieve any tasks assigned to him or chosen by him with no or little hurdle . People willing undertake take tasks given by MR.Tilak. Mr. Sastri discerns that Mr.Tilak has something that others lack. Once Mr. Sastry during a discussion with a chief executive officer, brought to light that “ Mr.Tilak gets excellent ideas and has remarkable ability to distil complex ideas into simple messages “ which followers can understand and implement.


Q.1) Explain the leadership style of:-                                                                                                             (10)

  1. Mr.Rajan
  2. Mr.Tilak

Q.2) How can today’s manager use the leadership style’s of Mr.Tilak on motivating its team member to get higher productivity ?                                                                                                                                     (5)

Section II

Q.3) Compare and contrast Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the concepts of purusharthas  as theories of motivation .                                                                                                                                                      (10)

Q.4) Explain any 5 critical aspects of Indian ethos need to be imbedded by an international  company seeking to set up business in India.                                                                                                                   (10)

Q.5) Discuss personality development in relation to S-R-T gunas.                                                                (10)

Q.6) Write short notes on any 2 of the following:-                                                                                          (10)

  1. Purusharth model
  2. Dharna  vis-à-vis’s profit
  3. Indian ethos in management

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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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