In Case You Score Less In T.Y.B.M.S! Don’t Worry.


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With the results around the corner, there is a lot of tension and fear in the minds of T.Y.BMSites. In case post the declaration of  results, things don’t turn out in your favor and you start thinking that you have scored less now what? Remember your life doesn’t end here.

Life is full of ups and downs. Here is a small piece of story: once I was sitting at a park and was watching kids play. There came a gas balloon vendor. A small boy with his mom went to vendor with the intention to buy a gas balloon. The boy asked the vendor if buy a red balloon will it go up high in the sky? The vendor said yes.

The again asked if I buy a blue balloon will it go up high in the sky? The vendor replied yes! Now the boy asked if I buy a green balloon will it go up high in the sky. The vendor replied yes. The vendor explained that all the balloons he had were gas balloon so the color did not matter the gas filled inside the balloon would take the balloon up high in the sky.

In the same way in our life it does matter how you look or how much you have scored it matters what you have inside, what we have inside is the talent. It is the talent that takes you up high in the sky. Talent is want makes you successful. So instead of crying over spilled milk. Try to analyse yourself and find out the talents you have, or try to develop new talents inside you.

– Bhargesh Jani

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