“In today’s competitive world smart work is valued” says Tejas Chavan, TYBMS Topper 2013, Vivekanand College


2012-12-04 10.37.14



I am Tejas Chavan, I am BMS graduate with distinction(82.16%) from Swami Vivekanand College, Chembur. I am a good listener, I have good understanding skills. My hobbies are Drawing, Painting, Reading. My goal is to become a HR manager & good human being.



Aggregate %–    82.16%

Project Grade– A


Electives chosen in Sem 6 –Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management


Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes?

  • Navigator tutorials


Extracurricular activities/Hobbies/Achievements-

  • 2nd Runner up of Best Student Award
  • BMS  Excellence Award (Sem 5)
  • Prizes in College Annual Fine art activities like Painting,Drawing
  • Prizes in Intercollegiate events like Rangoli,Essay competition (Aacharya College)
  • Prize in University Poster making competition- “Umang”


Fondly known as (name) in the college group

  • Printer for my good handwritting


Ambition in life– I want to become a HR manager of one of the reputed company


Most memorable moment in BMS– Best Student Award Interview


Funniest thing you did in the BMS course –Bunked lecture for college festival organisation


Define BMS in 1 line –BMS  is the development of person as a whole


1) Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

Since I had taken Special studies in Finance in Sem5,with continuing that in Sem 6, i had chosen finance subject i.e Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management (IAPM)


2) Did you use BMS.co.in for your exam preparation? Which sections of BMS.co.in helped you?

Yes,Starting from ‘which books should I refer upto last exam days revision i.e how to write concept questions,how to solve case study & much more &some days before exam, Important question banks given by many colleges & classes helped me a lot.


3) How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams?

If you are ambitious in life,nothing like external factors would affect on your studies.Always think of your dreams,aims in life& work according to it in order to reach on the mountains of success. Talking about consistency,then I would say “Success is a journey, not a destination”. I am a person who prefer smart work rather than hard work. In today’s competitive world smart work is valued.


4) Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

No alone person can win.There were many people who supported,guided me in my whole BMS journey.First of all my parents who encouraged me to took BMS rather than just saying go for science same like other parents does.secondly my college BMS coordinator who gave solution for each & every difficulty starting from which topic should I take for 200 marks project upto how to give presentation. & of course BMS.co.in. When I was awarded by the BMS excellence award for 5th sem.It was a moment when I felt now my responsibility has been rised & I want to prove myself again as a ranker.It was motivation for me to be the ranker again.


5) What is your message to the aspirants?

Aspirations & goals are two different things, Convert your dreams into aspirations & then run behind it like anything.no one would stop you of getting things for which you are aspirant. Always be specific, be focus on your aspiration


6) What was your study plan?

I used to study two subjects in  one day,one practical & one theory,so that I would not get boared.sometimes whenever I was not in a mood to study at that time I used to solve  problems of OR,IAPM.


Subjects Name – Source of your preparation

Operation Research-College notes,Navigator sums

Invest Analysis & Portfolio Mnagement- Navigator sums

International Finance- Rishabh text book

Indian Management thoughts& practices-Rishabh book & Subramanyam notes

International Marketing-Rishabh text book

Enterpreneurship Management- Rishabh text book


7) Marks of every subject

Operation Research- 82

Invest Analysis & Portfolio Mnagement- 85

International Finance- 80

Indian Management thoughts& practices- 81

International Marketing- 87

Enterpreneurship Management- 68

Additional 10 marks for University’s “Status of Women in Society”


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