Inbuilt Anti-Glare Screen For Smartphones, Tablets


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With so many innovations, creative designs, new features in smartphones and tablets, the manufacturers are behind making their devices ultimate in the smartphone and tablet market. Every second smartphone maker has something new to offer, it is due to the stiff competition. A new screen which is anti-glare will be an inbuilt feature in future devices.

Soon, you need not tilt your phone in bright sunlight or covering with another hand will not be required. Scientists have developed a novel glass surface that reduces both glare and reflection on mobile devices. Using your device in bright daylight would be easy and amazing.

Inbuilt Anti-Glare Screen 1

“Mobile or tablet users still have to dish out extra cash for a filter of film to lay on top of their glass screens so they can use the devices in bright light,” said Valerio Pruneri at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona, Spain.

He developed this glass surface in collaboration with Prantik Mazumder’s team, at New York-based Corning Incorporated. Pruneri and Mazumder roughened a glass surface so it could scatter light and ward off glare but without hurting the glass’ transparency.

Then the researchers etched nano-size teeth into the surface to make it anti-reflective. In addition to achieving both of these visual traits, they showed the textured surface replied water, mimicking a lotus leaf.

“Although the anit-glare roughening protects the nano-size glass teeth, further research is needed to ensure that the surface can withstand heavy touchscreen use,” they added.

The method is inexpensive and can easily be scaled up for industry use, concluded the study, published in the journal ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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