Incredible Mumbai



              Hmmmm I have heard people saying that our India is incredible, but today I will say something truth, Mumbai a part of India itself in it is incredible why? The question arises but I will give u all the answers through my article then I am sure you your self will accept that yes this Mumbai  is incredible.

Mumbai  is known for “THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS”,I am basically the guy born in Mumbai ,my whole childhood was passed here In these city and now I am that responsible guy who is writing these article one day before the submission sorry for going off topic, but I mean to say that I badly miss those childhood memories passed as a child in Mumbai ,people staying here are known to be a ”MUMBAIKAR”

And yes I am proud to say that I am true “MUMBAI KAR”. Mumbai  is magnificent because of its beautiful  places, streets ,sea and moreover its people who stay here. Different peoples performing different cultures, different types of religion people are here, enjoyment is to see the whole year passes by various types of festivals. Mumbai is so big that I will have to go deep in beauty of this city. I would have been MALNUTRITION patient what if the food cousin here was not that awesome. late night pav bhaji  just can’t forget the taste of it. Many other food dishes that are part of it. The most memorable thing that I will not forget life time is enjoying  talks with  friends at marine drive, and cutting chai every evening to refresh the mind and mood from all the stress. What should I say about the Mumbai monsoons? Mumbai monsoon are really fantastic , specially the sea looks amazing. Streets in Mumbai are filled with people some of them have dream to be big, some work hard to earn their bread butter. beyond these  Mumbai streets are filled with potholes that people usually complain about. Ever visited to Juhu beach? In no then you should because it is said that “BEAUTY AND THE BEAT IS ALWAYS FOUND ON THE BEACH”. Mumbai also and its MUMBAIKARS are blessed with the god, I mean to say Mumbai has temple,dargas,church,gurudware,where  people usually visit to worship the god. Mumbai also has seen and suffered from bad experiences, but its recovery was soon and Mumbai was back to its origin. Last but not the least I am going to end up mine article ,I hope you will like my article and will change the point of view for incredible Mumbai.”ZARA HAT KE,ZARA BACH KE YEH HAI BOMBAY MERI JAAN”







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Tolani College
Tolani College of Commerce is a commerce college in Andheri East, Mumbai, India.


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