India Focus : Top 6 Handicrafts of Assam


Assam valley is rich and popular for its lushy greenery, tea garden and beautiful handicrafts. Assam handicrafts are the life and soul of its people. Assam is surrounded by 7 states namely Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya and Sikkim, which are collectively known as eight sisters and serve as great attractions for tourist. Around 25 percent of the world’s tea is produced in Assam. The tea gardens of Assam, the hills and mountains of the valley along with its amicable people, make Assam a beautiful place for tourism.


Types of handicrafts in Assam

  • Handloom
  • Jewelry
  • Bamboo and Cane products
  • Brass and Bell metal crafts
  • Pottery
  • Woodcraft
  • Masks
  • Terracotta
  • Traditional Paintings
  • Toys


1) Handloom:


Handloom weaving is the oldest and unique about Assam. Most households in villages possesses a loom in which they weave cloths out of cotton and many kinds of the famous Assam silk namely, ‘Pat’ and ‘Muga’. They mostly create ‘mekhela-chaddar’ (a kind of sari worn by Assamese ladies), ‘Gamosa’ (towels) and other things by weaving.


2) Jewelry:


In Assam, jewelry is created by gold, silver, bamboo,  cane etc. The traditional jewels are wonderful and loved by all. Typical jewelry includes different kinds of lockets called as ‘Jon-biri’, ‘Dhol-biri’ and bracelets called ‘Gaam-kharu’, necklaces called ‘Gal-pata’ and many earrings.


3) Bamboo and Cane products:


Cane and bamboo have remained inseparable parts of life in Assam. The Jappi, the traditional sunshade continues to be the most prestigious of bamboo items of the state, and it has been in use since the days when the great Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang came to Assam that visitors are welcomed with a jaapi.


4) Brass and metal products:


Bell-metal and brass have been the most commonly used metals for the Assamese artisan. Traditional utensils and fancy articles designed by these artisans are found in every Assamese household. The Xorai and bota have in use for centuries, to offer betel-nut and paan while welcoming distinguished guests.


5) Pottery:


Pottery is probably as old as human civilisation itself. In Assam, pottery can be traced back to many centuries. The most commonly-used pottery products include earthern pots and pitchers, plates, incense-stick holders, earthern lamps etc, while modern-day decoratives have also found place in their latest designs.


6) Woodcraft:


Assam has always remained one of the most forest-covered states of the country, and the variety of wood and timber available here have formed a part of the people’s culture and economy. An Assamese can identify the timber by touching it even in darkness, and can produce a series of items from it. While decorative panels in the royal Ahom palaces of the past and the 600-years old satras or Vaishnative monasteries are intricately carved on wood, a special class of people who excelled in wood carving came to be known as Khanikar, a surname proudly passed down from generation to generation.



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