India Shinning!


India Shinning

India, we are the largest democracy. The first thing which comes to anyone’s mind when talking about India is ‘unity in diversity’. As our country is a blend of different religions. People having different religious beliefs staying together with love and peace.

I think our pledge rightly talks about that, “India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.” Our national anthem also highlights our unified spirit.

India has always been open to change with respect to our roots being intact. We are very secular in our approach and protectors of our culture.

Indian culture is very vast and sacred. We have embraced development and progress and are a country with young hardworking minds always abreast with technology and world affairs. Agriculture continues to be the primary occupation. We also stand first in milk production.

                                  Indian freedom struggle and industrial revolution continue to inspire the future generations. Today India is at the crux where at one side we have a rich heritage and legacy to hold and on the other we are reaching new heights with the world watching us. India today has made a global mark due to its economical growth and development. Indian economy is most sought after today.

India is no longer just an underdeveloped nation with malpractices and age old thinking. India today is a changing face of the world. India with its constant efforts in economic development, sports, science, business and industry, etc is a rising giant.

The world is coming for India with most of the brands flooding Indian market due to its huge consumer consumption capacity.

India today is a nation to reckon with. May India rise and shine.

 Jai Hind!

–         Anjani M Nautiyal



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