Indian Army Recruitment 2015 For 437 Posts


Indian Army

Last date for receipt of application is 10 Jan 2015.

Vacancy Details:

Total Post: 437 posts
Science Stream: 299
Arts Stream: 138

Candidates can contact the nearest recruitment office/zone; given date of recruitment rally:

1.HQ Rtg Zone Chandershekhar Marg  Ambala Cantt – 133001(For Haryana and HP)

2.HQ Rtg Zone 148, Fd Marshal Fort Saint George KM Kariappa Road Chennai-600009 Bangalore – 560025 (For Karnataka, Kerala Pradesh, Pondicheri &and Lakshwadeep)

3.HQ Rtg Zone Fort Saint George Chennai-600009 (For Tamil NaduAndhra Pradesh, Pondicheri & AN Islands)

4.HQ Rtg Zone  Danapur Cantt-801503 (For Bihar & Jharkhand)

5.IRO Delhi Cantt-110010  (For Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad & Mewat Dist of Haryana)

6.HQ Rtg Zone T-23, Ridge Road Jabalpur-482001  (For MP & Chattisgarh)

7.HQ Rtg Zone Shastri Nagar Post Box No 35 Jaipur (Raj)-302016 (For Rajasthan)

8.HQ Rtg Zone Jalandhar Cantt-144005  (For Punjab and J &K)

9.HQ Rtg Zone 1, Gorkhle Road, Kolkata – 700020  (For W Bengal, Sikkim & Orissa)

10.HQ Rtg Zone 236, M G Road Lucknow Cantt-226002 (For Uttar Predesh & Uttarakhand)

11.HQ Rtg Zone 3, Rajender Singhji Road Pune-410001 (For Maharashtra,Goa,Gujrat&Daman island)

12.HQ Rtg Zone Shillong-793001  (For NE States)

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