Indian Daily Soaps Are Hilarious, Don’t You Think So?


Indian Daily Soaps

Television is a source of entertainment for everyone. And we all aware of the format of Indian daily soaps. Indian daily soaps have one thing in common which is no matter what happens (i.e. however bad the storyline maybe) the people associated with the show (director, producer, actors, side actors, including people working off camera, etc ) would never give up and will always try their level best to keep the show going. Heavy attires, Dramatic make-up, Traditional jewelry, and most importantly last but not the least GLYCERINE! There’s not even one day when the script demands “no tears”, every single day every show has atleast a single scene where either the lead actress or someone in the show has to cry be it for 2 seconds, and if fortunately there is a happy scene going on in that also there are chances that the lead can get happiness tears or” khushi ke aasu “as they call it. Tears are considered as a good luck charm maybe!

Coming down to the story. In the beginning all shows have fresh, raw stories newest of new and different from all but as when days pass and story proceeds the show automatically shifts from the original plot to “saas bahu saga”. The reason maybe the expectation of the audience, the shows are basically designed in such a way that it can self-communicate to its audience. And the best way to connect to Indian audiences is by showing them intense and complex or you even call it as complicated family drama. Every section of the audience demands different genres. A certain section of the audience may demand family drama, some may demand for reality shows, some like shows related crimes, some like comedy shows, some like horror, thriller, etc. There are different expectations of different people.

Family drama is mostly expected by all ladies of the house- housewives, grand mom, etc. Thus everybody’s expectations are different. Going by the market share (popularity) family drama tops the list. There is a kind of addiction among the Indian audiences for daily soaps based on family drama. All the shows which air on television use the formula of good clothes, jewelry, and glycerin to make it one of the top shows and the soaps which do not use this formula are accepted but not in the way as the family dramas.

Old is gold! Though the stories are repetitive and almost very similar to each other as long as it is well accepted by the audience the industry has become successful in making money through this formula!

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Afifa Qureshi

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