Indian Hockey Team Faces Defeat Again Hopes Shattered!



May be it might be a matter of hard luck or lack of concentration which has lead to Indian team hockey face yet another  defeat in the Hockey World Cup tournament. India had to face defeat against England with a score of 1-2 at the Kyocera stadium today. The winning shot of England was the 69 minutes penalty-corner rebound conversion by Simon Mantell.

The highlight of the match and the reason behind India losing and England wining was the penalty shot by Ashley Jackson’s which was blocked by P.R Sreejesh, but Mantell capitalised on the rebound by sending a diagonal reverse shot into the net leaving the Indian player crestfallen and heartbroken lowering their confidence in the dying moments of the game.India even lost its first match against Belgium with a score of 2-3 after Belgium players gave the winning goal with just seconds left to the final shooter.

England had committed a foul which was not noticed by the empire earlier, but India made a referral and the foul was confirmed. Thus awarding penalty corners twice before India wasted the opportunity as the push was not stopped properly and Manpreets attempt to continue the attack saw the ball soar over the cross-bar. On the other end, the goal-keeper played its role by padding away a shot from Dan fox thus saving India from more goals against it

In the recent match it was England who opened the accounts first by scoring the first goal in the earlier 26 minutes through Mark Gleghorne’s penalty corner conversion but then Indian player Dharamvir Singh scored a goal equalizing the scores.The reason behind England getting their first penalty shot was an unnecessary obstruction on the 25-yard line by Yuvraj Walmiki which was converted by Mark Gleghorne with a rising shot.

Thus we hope that the Indian player don’t lose their full hope and keep one thing in mind that loosing is not the end of the world and just a part of the game.

–          By Burhan Fatehi


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