Indian Hockey Team To Play Without Ramandeep Singh



Everywhere there is cricket and IPL in our country and each and every one has up-to-date knowledge of what’s going in the game but its utter sad to know that very few have knowledge about our National sport that is “Hockey”. Every individual especially the youth have a mind-set that Cricket game has more status compared to hockey and cricketer are given comparatively higher support and appreciation from the people and are considered  more famous compared to hockey players. When it comes to government also cricket are given many benefits financially when it comes to their stay and special focus is given on their training as well. Whereas hockey players don’t receive such support from the government.


A recent drawback to the hockey team is that their striker Ramandeep Singh got deeply injured while playing a warm-up match against Argentina. He will be replaced by Lalit Upadhyay, who left for Holland on Sunday night.

The 21 year old damaged his right eye socket and cheek bone while trying to stop a scoop from an Argentina player in the half. The impact was so hard that Ramandeep was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital and a quick surgery was done. The matter of concern for everyone was just that this doesn’t end at the cost of losing vision of the player. When such accident happen in the game of cricket the cricketer gets lot of support from the public but when it comes to hockey no one shows any support.

I feel really sad for the player and pray for his quick delivery and appeal to the youth of our country that even Hockey is the pride of our nation and we should show equal support for this game as well.


– Burhan Fatehi


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