Indian Ink International tattoo Convention, November 2011



As it is known widely, that the relapse of tattooing in India, came as a gift from Goa. The happy Hippies or flower children re natured the art & International Tattoo artists who came to explore India fell in love with Goa.

Goa is considered “Heaven” in the memory of numerous visitors. Goa offers you much much more as sight, sounds and tastes.. Serene natural beauty, warm and welcoming locals, great culture, amazing food and lots more than imagined..

The Detailed knowledge about tattoos was brought to Goa by International artists, that Inspired Indian artist’s to Excel at every tattoo.
Tattooing in the Indian market is growing big time and this was proved in India’s first tattoo convention, Indian Ink Tattoo Expo, 2011 held in Mumbai and organized by Eventos Promotions and More in association with Par Excellence.

With the great success of Indian Ink Tattoo Expo held in Mumbai, Eventos Promotions and More in association with Par Excellence is back after the short break to prove what it’s like to “Tattoo” as well as have a great time in Goa, this November at one of the best venues with sun, fun and class… Club West End will host Goa’s first ever Indian Ink International Tattoo Expo, November 2011.

For bookings and further details Contact:

Shibanii Shah: 9820882780

Rohit Patil: 9029373888

Mail us @: eventospromotionsandmore@g​

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