Indian Institute of packaging


With a view to improve the packaging standards, the IIP was set up in 1966 at Mumbai. The main functions of IIP are:

1.      Training Programme: IIP is primarily engaged in training programmes relating to packaging industry. This institute makes the trainees familiar with packaging technology, packaging materials, and current trends in packaging in the world markets.

2.      Improvement in Quality of Packaging: IIP makes constant efforts to upgrade and improve the design and quality of packaging, so as to promote Indian products abroad.

3.      Collection of Information: IIP collects information on latest trends in the packaging in respect of raw materials, design etc. ,

4.      Supply of Information: The information collected on packaging is provided to the exporters by IIP, so that exporters can upgrade their packaging standards.

5.      Organising Seminars and Workshops: IIP organises seminars and workshops on packaging designs and quality. Exporters can take the advantage of such seminars and workshops.

6.      Consultancy Services: It provides consultancy services to the exporters in the field of packaging.

7.      Develops Packaging Consciousness: Export packaging is vital as it not only protects and preserves the product, but also promotes the product in international markets. Therefore, IIP develops consciousness of the need for good packaging among Indian exporters.

8.      Publications: It publishes two quarterly magazines, one devoted to the technological aspects of packaging and the other to techno-economic aspects of packaging.

9.      Testing Facilities: It provides testing facilities in respect of packages and packaging material to the exporters.

The IIP is one of the founder members of the Asian Packaging Federation established for exchange of all information on packaging and for chalking out common programmes for the development of packing standards in the Asian region.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS

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