Indian Management Thoughts and Practices Question Bank


Question 3

List of questions from the past University Papers:

1) Culture

2) Values, skills and attitudes

3) Self management

4) Personality

5) Divinity

6) Self realization

7) Leadership

8 ) Transformational, transactional and transnational leader

9) Learning organization

10) Styles of leadership

11) Narmada bachao andolan

12) Indian management thoughts

13) Self control

14) Mind stilling

15) Corporate accountability

16) Lok sangraha/ social good

17) Raj guru as ethical advisor

18 ) Raj rishi model of leadership

19) Ethical dilemma

20) Yoga karmashu kaushalam

21) Attachments

22) Eco-friendly technology

23) Spirituality

24) Born leaders and made leaders

25) Social audit

26) Creativity

27) De-egoization v/s de-personification

28 ) Quality of work life

29) Happiness, sorrow, bliss

30) Productivity

Short Notes:-

1) Man / koshas

2) Role personality and true personality

3) Gunas

4) Corporate governance

5) Self-actualisation v/s self-motivation

6) Bliss

7) Gurukul learning

8 ) Benefits of learning

9) Trusteeship

10) Krishna as management guru

11) Mentor

12) Dharmic leadership

13) Sustainable development through IMTP


1) Characteristics of Indian ethos

2) Diff b/w Indian and western culture

3) Value systems of india, japan and America

4) Patanjali ashtanga yoga

5) Business ethics- importance and advantages

6) Diff b/w Indian and western style of motivation

7) Techniques of Indian/ancient motivation

8 ) Diff b/w traditional and modern day learning

9) Different mechanisms of learning

10) Transformational leader with examples

11) Diff b/w family based business and karta leadership

12) Correlations of ecological system b/w nature, human and society

13) Management practices reflecting indian values in an organization

14) Situational leadership with examples

15) Impact of Indian cultural heritage on youth today

16) Whistle blowing with example

17) Conflicts and methods to resolve them

18 ) Karma theory

19) Dharma theory

Chapterwise Question Bank-

1) Karma
2) Learning organization
3) Styles of leadership
4) Narmada bachao andolan
5) Relevance of ethics to business
6) Indian management thoughts
7) Indian cultural heritage
8 ) Indian concept of learning
9) Self control
10) Mind stilling
11) Nishkaam karma
12) Swadharma
13) Ecological balance
14) SRT gunas
15) Meditation
16) Intrapersonal conflict
17) Corporate accountability
18 ) Patanjali’s ashtanga yoga
19) Values and skills
20) Lok sangraha/social good
21) Aatma manthan
22) Trusteeship
23) Raj guru as ethical advisor
24) Gurukul system
25) Vasudhaiva kutumbakam
26) Raj rishi (sage king)
27) Ethical dilemma
28 ) Yoga karmashu kaushalam
29) Dharma, artha, kama, moksha
30) Rights and duties
31) Concept of yoga
32) Concept of attachments
33) Dharmic leadership
34) Holistic approach to personality
35) Eco-friendly technology
36) Spirituality
37) Concept of divinity
38 ) Concept of man
39) Concept of dharma
40) Social harmony
41) Born leaders and made leaders
42) Happiness, sorrow, bliss
43) Social audit
44) Five-fold debit system
45) EQ
Other questions:-
1) Is leadership situational? Explain giving examples.
2) SN on guru v/s mentor
3) Concept on productivity
4) How can organizational productivity be increased with value-driven Indian management?
5) Concept on mental wealth
6) Concept on ethics
7) Concept on corporate accountability
8 ) SN on mind management by practices of yoga
9) SN on trusteeship
10) How important is it for organizations to ensure that ecological balance in nature is maintained when setting up a new factory/plant?
11) SN on Sustainable development through IMTP
12) “business excellence is possible without compromising on integrity and quality.” Discuss.

Chp. Indian Ethos
1) Explain the distinctive characteristic or principles of Indian ethos and explain how they are important to professional manager?
2) S N on caste system
3) SN on self management
4) SN/CONCEPT on divinity
5) Discuss the impact of Indian cultural heritage on youth today.

Chp. Study of Indian culture and other culture

1) Define culture
2) Is there a conflict in the value system of east and west? Make a comparative study. OR
3) Make a comparative study of values practiced in japan, india and America. OR
4) “to be successful, a professional manager should have the pace of west and grace of east. Explain with comparative study of value system. OR
5) Dist b/w Indian culture and western culture

Chp. Values, Skills and attitudes
1) Define values. Explain the types of values.
2) Define skills
3) For achieving behavioural change, the core value of individual have to be addressed. Discuss the statement in the context of Indian organization.

Chp. Concept of Man

1) Concept of man
2) SN/concept of koshas
3) How far it is important for a manager to search for inner peace in the mids of huzzle-buzzle of corporate life? OR
4) What are the guidelines to restore sound mental health? OR
5) Explain how inner peace contributes to the performance of a manager in corporate life?
Chp. Personality
1) Dist b/w role personality and true personality
2) Explain the GUNA theory of personality
3) How are personalities classified?
4) Concept / SN on personality
5) Concept/SN on gunas
6) Concept on role personality
7) Concept on true personality
8 ) How does the individual’s personality develop?
9) Concept on tyaag
Chp. Karma
1) Explain briefly the law of KARMA
2) What are the implications of nishkam karma?
3) What do you mean by corporate karma?
4) How can selfless work ethics increase the productivity of business? Discuss this in the light of nishkaam karma.
5) SN on Nishkaam karma
6) SN on corporate karma
7) How can selfless work ethics increase the productivity of business? Discuss this in the light of nishkaam karma?
8 ) SN on nishkaam karma
9) SN on corporate karma
10) SN on karma theory

Chp. Dharma
1) SN/concept on dharma
2) Concept/SN on ethico morality or swadharma
3) What is the meaning of dharma? How is it different from religions?
4) What is the difference b/w dharma and swadharma?
5) Concept/SN on dharmic leadership

Chp. Concept of yoga

1) Patanjali ashtanga yoga
2) Define yoga. Types of yoga
3) SN on stages of whole life
4) Concept on whistle blower
5) Concept on yoga
6) Concept on meditation
7) Concept on yoga and meditation
8 ) Concept on principles of divinity
9) Concept on self-realisation
10) What is meditation/dhyana?
11) “yoga and meditation can bring down the levels of stress and increase performance levels”. Discuss
12) SN on peace through yoga

Chp. Introduction to Business ethics

1) Do you believe ethics can be taught? What does it depend upon?
2) Explain how an organization can achieve corporate excellence through business ethics.
3) SN on business ethics and corporate governance
4) SN on corporate governance

Chp. Motivation

1) Discuss the difference b/w Indian(eastern) style of motivation and American(Western) style of motivation.
2) SN on self-motivation
3) SN on Indian v/s Western approach to motivation
4) SN on self actualization v/s Self-motivation
5) If you are a manager of an MNC, discuss how would you motivate the Indian employees
6) How can Indian motivation theory be applied to boost the efficiency of a business manager
7) SN/Concept on Bliss/Ananda
8 ) Suggest suitable motivational practices that can be adopted by Indian corporate houses.
9) Analyse the concepts of inspiration and motivation in the Indian context and compare them with the western concepts.
10) SN on success in life from Indian perspective
11) How would you motivate people on the basis of bhagwad gita and Ramayana?
Chp. Learning
1) Dist b/w traditional and modern day learning
2) Make a comparative study of the traditional and modern day system of education
3) What are the different mechanisms of learning?
4) What is gurukul system of learning?
5) SN on gurukul learning
6) What are the benefits of learning to individuals, organizations and society?
7) SN on methods of learning

Chp. Leadership

1) Describe the concept of Transformational leader and give an Indian example
2) In your new theories, which leadership theory is most effective in india. Explain.
3) SN on role of karta as a leader
4) SN on transformational leadership
5) Concept or define leadership
6) Concept- transformational leader
7) Concept- gandhiji’s philosophy of trusteeship
8 ) The ancient scripture says” as the king, so the people” . apply this principle to modern day organization
9) Critically analyse the leadership style of any 2 industrialists
10) Explain the concept of transformational leadership style with reference to the Indian management thoughts with one corporate example
11) Write about motivation and leadership from the Indian perspective.
12) Who is a mentor? Describe the importance of mentor in transforming an organization
13) Discuss the concept of family managed business and karta leadership in brief
14) SN on raj rishi model of leadership
15) SN on Krishna as a management guru
16) Concept on transnational leader
17) Concept on transactional leader

Chp. Harmony with nature

1) Discuss the various elements of an ecological system,
2) Discuss the co-relation b/w nature and human society. How does it help in building human capital?
3) How do Indian management thoughts harmonize human values, environment, culture and society?
4) “values in Indian ethos are evolved from the deepest truths of man, life and nature.” Do you agree? Comment. OR
5) Values in Indian culture are evolved from the deep truths of man, life and nature.” Elucidate the statement.
6) Discuss the correlation b/w nature, human mind and society. How does it help in building human capital?
7) “organization is a living entity having collective consciousness heart and mind.” Do you agree? If yes, discuss management practices reflecting Indian values.


1.       What is Indian Ethos? Explain the principles and characteristics of Indian Ethos.

2.       Write a note on Personality Development through Yoga.

3.       Write a note on 3 Gunas / Guna Theory

4.       Explain “Individual – a being with infinite capabilities and potentials – is a result of your own actions”.

5.       Write a note on Koshas – Concept of Man

6.       Explain Meditation as the method for self development.

7.       Write a note on Leadership qualities with special reference to Indian thoughts.

8.       Explain Indian, American and Japanese approaches to motivation.

9.       Explain the Indian system / Gurukul system of learning.

10.   Write a note on Harmony with nature.

11.   Explain the values that reflect on social practices and customs.

12.   Explain the meaning, scope and implications of Spirituality at work.

13.   Explain the Concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

14.   Explain the Concept of karma – meaning and importance to managers / corporate

15.   Explain the Concept of Dharma: varna ashram dharma, svadharma

16.   Explain the core teachings of Spirituality of all founders of religions.

17.   Explain Spirituality v/s Religion.

18.   Explain the concept of Maya (Illusion).


P.S. The Question Banks and Important Topics provided by us may or may not appear in the exams. It’s just for you to be aware of the topics related to the subject. Do prepare and study more than this. We are not responsible and are just here to provide you with the best required information.

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