Indian Railways


The only effective network, which unites the social, economical, political and cultural fabric of the country, is none other than railways. The central government of India manages the railway department of the country. Indian railway is one of the largest railway networks in the world; it ranks fourth in the longest railway network of the world. It is also largest employee provider globally. More than 1600 million employees work under Indian railways. It has a wide spread of network right from the mountainous, terrains, desert, sea, to plain land surface. Hence, it connects the whole nation from north to south, east to west.

The formal birth of Indian railway took place in the year 1853. With the inauguration of first passenger train, this ran from Mumbai to Thane of a distance of 34kms. Since the Indian railway is still going on developing on a massive scale, every now and then it is making a continuous development in order to make railway facilities more luxurious to people. Since last 100 years, Indian railway is being as a integrated force. It provides facilities of transporting passengers as well as goods from even the farthest corner of the country, which facilitates the conduct of business, sightseeing, pilgrimage, etc.

Indian railway has contributed largely in development of countries infrastructural, economical, industrial and agricultural development. It contributes about 2.5 % of GDP of total GDP of India in every financial year. It offers a wide range of concessions to the people in order to serve the people in most possible cheap or affordable rate. To develop the transport infrastructure of India is the sole objective of Indian railway. Railway is the only sector in India, which is still under government control i.e. not privatized. If railway is privatize it is for sure that we have to pay, a very high rate to travel anywhere may be in the city or to different states of India. Railways in India has tried most way possible to offer quality service to people in lowest possible rates, for such they have introduced second class sleeper coaches, AC sleepers and chair cars. Moreover, development of coal train to electric and diesel train. In addition, introduction of special super fasts express trains.

As every coin has two sides, even Indian railway has some negativity where it lacks some of them are as follows:-

Safety: –

The first and foremost thing where Indian railway should pay its attention is on safety of the passengers travelling. There is increased number of thefts in trains during nighttime. Thieves enter train during its halt in station in nighttime. Certain measures like guard or security guard should make available in train in order to minimize the risk.


There may be a wide range of services provided to the customer of Indian railway. However, the service may be of no use if it is not periodically and timely. Hence, it is important to maintain punctuality.


“Cleanliness is next to godliness” has read this golden phrase in many local trains but never found Indian railways maintaining it. Wherever you see in trains, you will find reddish stains spitted over the floor of the trains. Which, makes the train untidy and it is subject to spread many diseases like TB, cancer, etc.

Behavior of staffs:-

The passengers travelling are of different types some are illiterate, aged, etc. if they ask for help from the railway staff they behave rudely and do not give proper feedback to them, which is not fair as a staff they hold the responsibility to help the passengers as they have paid for doing the same.

These are only the major problem that is stated above, but even if Indian railway pays attention towards it and solve it as soon as possible. Then surely Indian railway will be the best railways in the world.


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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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