Indian students opting for American education?


 40% Rise In US VISAS FOR Higher Education!


The US consulate is very happy with the number of visas they are flooded with. Most undergraduates & graduates are aspiring to study in US as they find the education system is advance.

In 2012-13, the number of students who went to US were 90000; while the number in 2013-14 has tremendously increased to 113000. Around 1002 students applied for US visa on Student Visa Day on Wednesday.

Statistics shows that there are 78% students who have applied for courses in science , engineering, mathematics & technology ; Out of which computer science and engineering courses are popular among students.

Indian students are the 2nd largest foreign nationals who are getting educated in 9000 certified US schools. The US Education Board is very proud as they feel that they have the best education provided. 

– Khushboo Chauhan.

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