Indian Weddings


indian wedding


India is known for its cultural diversity. Weddings are an important factor of Indian culture because of the traditional way in which the weddings are performed. Every religion has its own method. Weddings which take place in the north are different from the ones taking place in the south however the fundamental traditions remain the same with only the method in which they are carried out differing. Indian weddings are a assimilation of religion, tradition, culture, enthusiasm, fun, food, music, etc.

Marriage symbolizes not just the sacred union of two individuals, but of the coming together of two families and extended families as well. Their level of involvement is so profound that typically the family decides the bride/groom. In fact, even till a few decades ago the bride and the groom saw each other for the first time only on their wedding day. This trend has changed in urban areas, and in the present day, youngsters have a better say in choosing their life partner. Families search for eligible partners for their children through word of mouth or marriage priests primarily. However with the internet revolution in India online matrimonial sites are also becoming quite a hit.

The wedding industry in India is a huge one today. Event and wedding planners have caught the right element of the society. Weddings in India bring everyone together and are full of enthusiasm, fun and flare. Hindu wedding, Christian wedding, Muslim wedding are different in the way they are conducted but what is common to all these weddings are the vows the bride and groom take. Different languages and words which resonate the same spiritual oneness of 2 individuals. What is also common is the coming together of relatives and friends and participating in each and every ceremony of the wedding.

The extravagant spread of food and the dancing to different tunes of music is also common in every Indian wedding. Most of all is the emotions which connect the 2 families forever. With color, vibrancy, food, people, rituals, music, fun and frolic, the Indian wedding is truly a festival in itself. You must attend an Indian wedding to understand all of this.

Shubah mangalam savadhan!

–        Anjani M Nautiyal

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